y_am_i_submissive said:
Sharpclaw hospitality, the voice actor commenting here, Vent drawing wolf and scales now…..The planets are aligning.
y_am_i_submissive said:
Sharpclaw hospitality, the voice actor commenting here, Vent drawing wolf and scales now…..The planets are aligning.
biblioholic93 said:
The imagination's sometimes the best part...? This is fair opinion just wanted to slide this in there too....I think enough of the character is shown, don't need to see them naked every single time, don't need to see the toe beans to... lol, believe in them. Just my own 2¢ *scurries away, afraid of the section they're in.*
Nice bound art y'got thar.
I agree, I do not necessarily want it all the time. I just want it more because most artists do not do that as often as I want. Even if you do not care for legs and feet like I care. You can still probably admit that showing the full body of a character. Especially a submissive one of the two in porn imagery, can improve it.
I love this one. The peen is cool, but he looks so confident and self assured of himself. I aspire to be comfortable with myself, submissive bottoms have feelings too y’know. Thank you for this one Ventkazemaru.
y_am_i_submissive said:
Words of encouragement wins games! What a team player this venom is!! 🥰
y_am_i_submissive said: Look at that thick neck and chest, he’s been hitting the gym.
Seems so
y_am_i_submissive said:
Man I love coach Sam. Being a masc, tall / big sub is embarrassing sometimes. I’m glad that archetype is being represented with Pokemon of all things. I know, first world problems, but still.
I love big subs, they give the best cuddles!
thefurrrywatcher said:
Y'know what would be funny?
If Arty met a dominant female. I wonder how that could go, would he possess her or become submissive?
Artifact does not sub. He is a dom 110%.
Y'know what would be funny?
If Arty met a dominant female. I wonder how that could go, would he possess her or become submissive?
y_am_i_submissive said:
Senpai noticed me 👀💦. For real though that’s great to hear! As long as you enjoy doing it that’s all that matters.Your stuff is always nice to read, it’s very down to earth, (Fox’s feelings, Wolf’s problems, Wolf’s crew, ect ect). Thank you!
I really appreciate that :D
y_am_i_submissive said:
This comic was awesome! A shame it’s ending because this comic is soooo damn cute and wholesome.Also that space background is very pretty.
I'm glad you enjoyed it, but it's not quite over yet! There's a couple more pages left, and I plan on doing some one-off stuff with them too, eventually.
y_am_i_submissive said:
Some people will be disappointed because not a single penis was shown. But idgaf, this is exactly what I wanted to see, more info and background into these characters. Aldrich and Hudson talking about the weather is priceless, they are so FUCKING cute.
Finn's room.
y_am_i_submissive said:
I thought someone would’ve commented already, but great comic! Vent’s artstyle is so so nice. I hope he does more comics in the future. Thank you ventkazemaru!
I love this comic and the art style. Just realized the last post was 5 months ago. Thank you ventkazemaru, hope to see more
y_am_i_submissive said:
Grew up in a pretty religious household. That Bible verse is SO funny in this context.
Me too
y_am_i_submissive said:
Nice bro, I’m only 6 ft 2. What do you mean by trapped in a 4 ft 6 body and literal pain?
I relate to what the OG comment said a lot. I grew a foot+ in a year and despite it being years ago I still feel like I'm 5 feet tall. And the back problems. Can't ever forget the back problems
y_am_i_submissive said:
Grew up in a pretty religious household. That Bible verse is SO funny in this context.
Same here! What's it with like 3 different people growing up in religious environments here in this comment section? Lol.
motherducked said:
y'know, i never expect to se gay stuff while im putting tags like "smallar male" or "submissive male", but i gota say, this was quite the positive suprise.
"I looked up submissive men getting fucked silly ans all the porn was *gulp* GAY?!?!"
y_am_i_submissive said:
I feel your pain.
I'm a 4-foot-6 guy trapped in a 6-foot-4 body. u.u
I hate it, particularly because it comes with literal pain.
y_am_i_submissive said:
I thought my subby bdsm stuff was bad. Thankfully I’m not into this stuff, because it’s on a whole different level. I wish you the best with this problem :/
That's such a poggers problem to have tho.
y_am_i_submissive said:
Sad to see submissive coach Sam go :(. This comic is a fever dream though, I love it. Zourik is so creative.
I mean, trick room only lasts five turns, it's not like it's permanent :p
y_am_i_submissive said:
I bet a lot of fat (fast food) or asparagus (smelly) might make it taste bad. What a conversation lol. Regardless, thank you for the info! xD
I heard pineapple makes it quite nice.
y_am_i_submissive said:
Grew up in a pretty religious household. That Bible verse is SO funny in this context.
Omg same - glad I'm not alone.
y_am_i_submissive said:
Does it make your stomach upset though? Never tried, but getting pissed on sounds hot.
Nah, just don't drink your morning pee, it's a lot more pungent, also your diet can affect the taste, sometimes it can be kinda nasty, but with the right food it's actually unironically tasty.
y_am_i_submissive said:
must... resist... the... urge... to... give... belly... RUBS!!!!
y'know, i never expect to se gay stuff while im putting tags like "smallar male" or "submissive male", but i gota say, this was quite the positive suprise.
alphanightfury said:
Seeing Fluttershy as a Pred always gets annoying NGL. Fanart vore is best enjoyed when the characters fit their role, and Fluttershy is way too shy, meek, and timid to be a predator. She's definitely a submissive and is best suited for the prey role,but you see so little of it.
Y'know, you raise a good point and I do agree. My counter point, however, is that I had the scene of Fluttershy's cottage set up and wanted to use it. Definitely prefer flutter prey myself, but I used her as pred this time mostly because I felt like it. Also I don't feel like rerendering for 24 full hours just to swap pred and prey
deerdance said:
Let me guess, once she's done her "training" she'll be too submissive to even know how to ask to leave.
Y'know what?
This stuff actually kinda blurs the line between "artwork submission" and "advertisement".
Does e6 get a cut or are they utterly left out of the deal for hosting what is essentially free advertisement?
I'd charge honestly, especially with how oddly lucrative furry porn is.
abel said:
Try "~anthro_dominating_human ~feral_dominating_human pokemon".
Or "human_penetrated pokephilia" or "submissive_human pokephilia (submissive_male or _female works too)" to name a couple, experiment a little bit. There's a bunch of good combinations likely to get what y'all want
*or at least, something close to it.
hitslip said:
ya how come any of us arent him
like god i wish that were me
Or just y'know
Remove midoriya and let the himbos have fun..
I also just noticed that Gang orca doesn't even have half the amount of submissions than midoriya has and that is an outrage.
somebody_- said:
Y'all have seen:Now get ready for:
Well, well, well. It appears anon is a fellow Vappy fuck connoisseur. However, screw the female version. You get those same ol' two holes in literally everything else. The male Vappy is the real star of the show.
Those long slippery dicks. They have full mobility control with like a tentacle are the perfect ass filler for the ultimate in deep reaching experience nothing else could possibly provide. Naturally lubed at all times due to their aquatic hydrodynamic nature, you can pull off anywhere to the side of the road, or go into a public restroom at the beach. Get each other aroused, and have the fuck of a lifetime. The extraordinary squishyness of the Vappy alone rubbing against you would be enough to lose yourself in pleasure as it simply mounts you. Let alone with that perfect tool of pleasure slips into you, it's ability to snake around your bends and its perfect length make it seem that a Vappy dick was made specifically for your booty. Enjoy the feeling of being completely filled while also being able to see it if you have a tight tummy.
And hat's only the dick. Due to having internal balls, they're much bigger and pack a lot more cream to load you up with, along with having muscles around them to make sure every drop comes out while also being a lot more powerful than any external balls could ever hope to achieve, giving you a deep, complete filling to rock your world to your literal core, and beyond.
There's still more though. Due to having a thick, powerful tail connected from their back and front, that means all their fun stuff is on the front and easy to access. Meaning, if you were even comfortable with having your dick point backwards (takes some training), you can be fucked, while also fucking your Vappy at the same time! Me-owth, that's fucking right!
But, but, but! There's still fucking more! Like, holy shit, male Vaps are the gods of fuck. While you're fucking your male Vappy, possibly while also being fucked by him, their booty is on their tail, at the base, which is the thickest part, because that's where the biggest muscles are. This means that while your dick is in there, it's being fucking massaged, better than even a vag could achieve! Agh! It should be fucking illegal because how amazing male Vaps are for fuck!
Well, guess what? That only covered you being a softy, wholesome fucker like me. That's right. There's. Even. F*cking. More! Say you like to be a little restrained. You don't need a Sylveon's feelers for that, or an Umbreon/Espeon's psychic powers, or Leafeon's vines. Vappies got that shit covered too! Did you even see that tail?! It's basically a boa constrictor. In a non sexual sense, it's my favorite part of a Vappy. It's basically their main part about them. But, if you want them to, it can be a super useful tool to enhance your knotty experience with them. Despite the slippyness, you won't be going anywhere if the Vappy wraps you up in that thing.
Are you a super kinkster? Do you like pure fantasy fetishes that aren't possible IRL? Such as, soft vore? Well guess fucking what. It just became possible! They can be solid as they pass your lips (passed where your eyes can see them) and turn into water as they enter you, allowing them to fit perfectly, cuz nothing fits into any spot more perfectly than water, except air, like a ghost type. But, who wants to do knotty shit with air? You can't feel it unless it's moving. You can always feel liquids. Speaking of liquids, even if you're a weirdo who likes digestion, don't worry about killing them with absorption. Eventually, they'll come back out and be able to reform like nothing happened. Speaking of hurting them, if you get too rough, or you're a horrible abusive asshole to them on purpose for your own pleasure (QnQ), they can just turn to water and reform back to their completely unscathed body, making scars or missing pieces a thing of the past!
I would love to say there's even more you can do with them, but the possibilities are damn near endless. Use your imagination. But if you get one, you better show this god of fuck the respect it deserves. Umbreons maybe my favorite. But, damn, Vappies really want to get that top spot from me. It's a really close call.
Hey fella's, I'm sure you're aware of the debate between Vaporeon and Umbreon and which is better for being compatible between humans but I've got news for you, There's a pokemon that's even better. as funny as this may sound it's ANOTHER Eeveelution, it's Sylveon to be precise. Sylveon weighs 51.8 Pounds or roughly 23.5 kilograms and is 3'03 tall, so they are most definitely the right size for a person. Even better is that those ribbon-like feelers it has are actually part of its skin! this means they would feel fantastic for cuddling, foreplay, and even handjobs! (RibbonJobs?) even better is that they also emit a soothing aura. it can even wrap them around your arms and read your feelings so it knows when you're in the mood! it also has access to moves like attract, charm, and of course, baby doll eyes! as well as draining kiss, and with those ribbons it has it could pin you down and be on top, if you're the submissive kind of person of course. Quite a large moveset for breeding eh? Now, admittedly they don't have the best HP. but let's be honest, does that even matter? You aren't going to be beating them up right? Here's something else that's interesting to consider. you can ONLY get a Sylveon by having an Eevee that's already got a high affection for you. This means it would be more reciprocative to you and your advances! So there's no need to worry about your sylveon not being into you, i believe this would make it the PERFECT mate! I believe I've made my case for why it's the best pokemon for humans.
notmenotyou said:
I'd rather hand the link out myself due to that mega account also hosting another public file I'd rather not lose access to for others, just in case someone decides to report it to hell and back to get the account suspended. Though really the idea was someone dumps the contents of the archive on one of the other sites where people congregate and makes it superfluous entirely.Nope, sent you a dmail with a link, feel free to upload those to other sides if you'd like.
So about that trojan, the file still safe then?
snowwolf said:
Except it isn't what happened. I mean, again, this happened 2 years, not last sunday when everyone was asleep. This was not a spur of the moment choice, it was the result of several years of conversation and debate among a great many people. Just suddenly, for whatever reason, this guy is coming in here acting like it's a new event that JUST happened, making everyone feel like this is NEW, when really, EDITS of Tom's work have been DNP for years.
The issue never got any closure for the most part. Most discussion and counterargument happened on edits uploaded here which then got deleted, and so the editing communities views festered and now its bubbling over again
snowwolf said:
May I suggest y'all start a twokinds booru or something? Please? I want you guys to have your content and be happy. I just don't want it here.
There where attempts, but like i said earlier in this comment thread. There where issues with e6 being the centralized place, and how hard it is to set up a new centralized place.
No one wants to put in the effort (all that tagging....) just for it to not take off.
And so now the editing community is alot smaller, and hangs out in only a few places with far less organization than before.
Maybe if more warning was given, if the community was given time to prepare and some level of guidance given, an agreed centralized place would have been possible to set up. But instead the community pannicd and balkanized with no centralization to this day.
notmenotyou said:
Heavily depends on the skill of the edit performed and how much it changes the submission. Some smaller, more skillful edits will have a bigger impact than some easy, sweeping changes might have. Using bucket fill to change a solid background color into another isn't going to fly, subtly reworking a face to fix broken anatomy might be enough. It always depends on what changes and how.
Wait so does this mean "good" edits are no longer DNP then or...?
Again, from earlier in this thread:
blackandwhitekat said:
Okay, a good chunk of Seff's edits, and a good chunk of JMdoc's edits/redraws are both by consensus pretty good. There's more, but lets just go with the "best" examples for the sake of argument.
https://imgur.com/a/WOaqIvt - a few of Seffs ones
gogglepop said:
I know this is a weirdly specific pet peeve, but it’s always seemed odd to me that so many posts like this where the bigger, more masculine or more massive partner is bottoming get labeled “small_dom_big_sub.” I mean I’ll leave it cause it’s the best tag we have to organize things but like, the horse is obviously the dominant one here. That fox is wedged against a wall fighting for his fucking life against all that ass. But we label it small dom big sub cause for some reason we view being on the receiving end as inherently submissive. Or just cause we don’t have a tag specifically for big_bottom_small_top. Not that anyone asked but y’all get what I’m saying
Thought I was the only one that noticed this issue tbh.
gogglepop said:
I know this is a weirdly specific pet peeve, but it’s always seemed odd to me that so many posts like this where the bigger, more masculine or more massive partner is bottoming get labeled “small_dom_big_sub.” I mean I’ll leave it cause it’s the best tag we have to organize things but like, the horse is obviously the dominant one here. That fox is wedged against a wall fighting for his fucking life against all that ass. But we label it small dom big sub cause for some reason we view being on the receiving end as inherently submissive. Or just cause we don’t have a tag specifically for big_bottom_small_top. Not that anyone asked but y’all get what I’m saying
I understand it, bottoming isn't necessarily subbing and vice versa, since as we know by now, powerbottoming is a thing, as well as there being such a thing as a submissive top, which is usually more cute than any thing :3
gogglepop said:
I know this is a weirdly specific pet peeve, but it’s always seemed odd to me that so many posts like this where the bigger, more masculine or more massive partner is bottoming get labeled “small_dom_big_sub.” I mean I’ll leave it cause it’s the best tag we have to organize things but like, the horse is obviously the dominant one here. That fox is wedged against a wall fighting for his fucking life against all that ass. But we label it small dom big sub cause for some reason we view being on the receiving end as inherently submissive. Or just cause we don’t have a tag specifically for big_bottom_small_top. Not that anyone asked but y’all get what I’m saying
I suggest using a mix of the tags “power_bottom” and “larger_penetrated”
I know this is a weirdly specific pet peeve, but it’s always seemed odd to me that so many posts like this where the bigger, more masculine or more massive partner is bottoming get labeled “small_dom_big_sub.” I mean I’ll leave it cause it’s the best tag we have to organize things but like, the horse is obviously the dominant one here. That fox is wedged against a wall fighting for his fucking life against all that ass. But we label it small dom big sub cause for some reason we view being on the receiving end as inherently submissive. Or just cause we don’t have a tag specifically for big_bottom_small_top. Not that anyone asked but y’all get what I’m saying
pxlfur said:
Heavy watermarks are used due to the massive amount of art reblogging/reposting accounts on social media that never link back to the source, there are cases where something may get shared far more on these accounts than the initial post by the artist. I also includes links to my other galleries and Patreon in the description. The only reason I can keep working in 3D is due to the time Patreon affords me.
Content on Patreon mirrors what you see publicly just at a higher resolution (and in the case of animations also a month early) and short of two old pieces I've never uploaded censored images/animations here with the uncensored ones being on Patreon (and I regularly see other submissions that are purposefully censored that act as patreon adverts)
There are sketches, finished works and then revisions of finished works here in the 2D space and also the same with my own work in 3D (though I do try to minimize overlap). Far more 'rough and ready' WIP content is posted to Patreon and occasionally other art sites that I don't post here, everything I do post I try to make sure has artistic merit and stands on it's own as such, be it meme-y/punny works or production stills.
you may or may not be right, but you still don't put patreon ads here, it's just site etiquette
okamirakurai said:
you don't put patreon ads here
Heavy watermarks are used due to the massive amount of art reblogging/reposting accounts on social media that never link back to the source, there are cases where something may get shared far more on these accounts than the initial post by the artist. I also includes links to my other galleries and Patreon in the description. The only reason I can keep working in 3D is due to the time Patreon affords me.
Content on Patreon mirrors what you see publicly just at a higher resolution (and in the case of animations also a month early) and short of two old pieces I've never uploaded censored images/animations here with the uncensored ones being on Patreon (and I regularly see other submissions that are purposefully censored that act as patreon adverts)
There are sketches, finished works and then revisions of finished works here in the 2D space and also the same with my own work in 3D (though I do try to minimize overlap). Far more 'rough and ready' WIP content is posted to Patreon and occasionally other art sites that I don't post here, everything I do post I try to make sure has artistic merit and stands on it's own as such, be it meme-y/punny works or production stills.
tag says Submissive_POV and there's the POV from both, one being bottom-y and one being sucked, what a sub gray area...
NotMeNotYou said:
The latter is especially important when it comes to information being lost due to shut down pages, deleted submissions, or similar.
That's the whole point of getting the info : preserving it in case its source gets deleted for a reason x or y other than the artist deliberately removing it.
If you can get it (which is currently the case), then there's no excuse to not do so. And the info in itself is visual since Reggie is often shown in explicit situations in which we can see his penis and flat chest. "Tag What You See", right ?
These obvious visual clues (which you absolutely can't miss unless you're blind)
you can see on other posts confirm that Reggie isn't wearing his shirt ironically, but because he is, indeed, a boy who "turns straight guys gay".
I understand why TWYS exists, and it really helps when I'm looking for a big tiggy female goat or a muscular male dragon, but tags should also fit context and characters (just like with the "mother_and_son" tag which can't be put just because a young male is having sex with an older female, but because they're canonically mother and son (biologically or not), for example) to make things less confusing as I said earlier.
Some people don't wanna jack off to a boy thinking it's just a flat girl and then notice it's actually a boy (I know that's the point of a trap, but this shouldn't apply to a website on which you look up pics with specific tags). When you look for a picture with tags, you're expecting to find exactly what you're looking for, and not something that "looks like it, but could possibly not be it". See what I mean ?
Since you already replied to some of the comments above that are arguing that the tagging is wrong, I'm not gonna quote them and explain why they're right as you're smart enough to understand their point.
Now, remember that I'm not criticizing you in particular, but e6's policy in general. The reason why I keep arguing is because I think there's still room for improvement and when some people create a search-based website, they gotta keep in mind that if some of the artwork is tagged according to "what you see" and not to what it really is, it'll end up mixing things up (if traps are being lost among actual females, just imagine clicking on the character's tag only to see plenty of pics of themselves with a dick when you thought they were a girl, nobody wants to see that).
TWYS can also lead to misinterpretation, as an admin could for example misgender a character and decide to lock the tags, making us regular members unable to correct them. Which is why locking tags shouldn't even be a thing in the first place (Wikipedia doesn't lock editing even on the most important articles, so why even would e6 lock tags ? Even though both site's objectives are very different, they're both community-driven websites on which admins, artists and members alike can upload / write stuff they find that fit the website's subject, which is why I think they should work the same way.).
I know I spend too much time writing this shit on a porn website, but if it can help...
MetalGear267 said:
Great job! A great Toriel image yet again!
Thank you! I'm glad you appreciate my toriel art
Frast said:
Y'all going on about it being so godamn hot while I'm here in the middle of winter freezing my tiddies off.
Dang, I wish i was there
RomanticDisease said:
"Alternative version please"
I don't like having multiple versions in my submissions, it waters down my stuff
theomorashiguy said:
I hate it when my pizza's boned...
Lance_Armstrong said:
Daletfours said:
SWEAR ON yeezy
Servalion said:
My local pizza joint keeps getting prank orders for Boneless pizza.They hate the $#!t out of this meme.
drunkraddish said:
let me get uuuuhhhhhBONELESS PIZZA
~Josef~ said:
Fuck kinda pizza?
SwagMaster74 said:
FHRITP said:
bruh, Baku aint happy. Crash got no C L O U T, no S A U C E, no P A P E R, Juice
FHRITP said:
TheHuskyK9 said:
If the pizza don't got bone in it, it's O N E L E S S
KnucklesAndKNUCKLES said:
HopefulSpark said:
Where did the Boneless Pizza meme come from?
Lance_Armstrong said:
Lilac_Sash said:
Just wondering, how is this a visual pun?
SwagMaster74 said:
bruh what school you go to
Azurisium said:
Just Don't Put them Shits in my pizza
FHRITP said:
Sethical is a great man
SwagMaster74 said:
VibrantLordiction said:
GreatestEver said:
anarchy_forever_115 said:
Uzumaki said:
You can get the soundboard on Google Store
cantslamthemall said:
Deadass aint gonna make this pizza (boneless)
Peter_The_Fox said:
In this post-Freudian age the institution of marriage, as a by-product of religiously-fuelled monogamy, has deteriorated to the point that amorphous sexual identity, as opposed to rigid religiosity, has become the primary self-defining feature of the individual.But has anything changed?Has the entrapment of woman via marriage which Blake called a "gilded cage" merely deteriorated to the "rusty prison" of the Bang Bus, representative of the anonymous male-centric sex and continued subjugation?
Vii said:
fffffffffffffffFFFFFFUCK THIS MEME!!!
SwiperTheFox said:
Where is this 'Bang Bus' that's been spoken of, and does the particular vehicle have submissive femboys in it?
Huayra said:
DoubleDrifty said:
Aight look... lemme get that pizza... BONELESS
BooceBungalow said:
This more toxic than the YouTube comment sections
Pyrocynical_-Fake- said:
Boneless machine broke
GyroManHunter321 said:
I told y'all not to put bones in my shit
Dead_Knight said:
Woah-less pizza?
Lilac_Sash said:
If you want to put it that way
GromboVonBrombo said:
We got 1 liter though
notawerewolf said:
I don't wear timbsI wear
I dont understand what the problem is here
kamimatsu said:
My friend, while you may be employed in a work position in which a specific variation of italian pies are transported from the oven in which they were heated in order to prepare them for consumption, to the main entrance of ones household, in this case myself, the comestible which was agreed upon in exchange for my currency was required to lack any parts of the skeletal system of any organism, a requirement which has not been fulfilled.
ThunderKitten said:
If you really are hamakei, then this should look familiar..."By decision of both the commissioner hamakei and myself we are going to let you, the viewer, come up with your own interpretation on what's happening here. I have my own but I'm not telling ;p"
It's from the source page. The artist and the commissioner both agreed to leave it up to us, the viwers, to come up with our own interpretations here. It wasn't a contest or a guessing game to figure it out, but rather more of an exercise in imagination. True they would know what actually is going on, but as the opted not to say, each of our interpretations is as correct as any other.
It was perhaps a little badly worded, but the idea was I had two possible explanations for what was happening. One of them is the truth and what I originally intended, and one is another possible interpretation which was thought of later. There are deliberate things in the picture which contradict though...so you could say "Oh, it's X...except that.." or you could say "Then it must be Y...but..."
There is one correct answer, and we were going to put it in the submission title, but decided against it because I didn't want to seem too pretentious.
I never considered time travel because to me that was too cliched. So is cloning. Both have been done to death elsewhere, and they are both not possible given what we know about the Turtle universe. The one time Donatello tried to make a clone it had a totally different personality. And if it was time travel...it wouldn't explain why they were all exactly the same and why they don't acknowledge each other's presence.
There are other possibilities, but those two can be disproved and I didn't want the posters to continue thinking along the wrong lines... there isn't really much point in inviting people to guess if there are never any clues whether you're on the right lines or not. Otherwise every response is equally valid. I wasn't aware it wasn't "a guessing game" and was instead "an exercise in imagination"..that's what you've chosen to do.
tl;dr: "Each of our interpretations is as correct as any other" is not true. There is only one correct explanation, which nobody has come up with yet....and the suggestion seems to be that even though I KNOW the right answer, I'm not allowed to tell people when they're wrong.
hbak said:
Y'know, Most art of Spyro I see here are either of him solo, or fucking another dragon or that stupid sheep, but few pics we ever see of him actually being the one at the bottom.
Submissive Spyro is frustratingly rare.
I have done some before :)
Y'know, Most art of Spyro I see here are either of him solo, or fucking another dragon or that stupid sheep, but few pics we ever see of him actually being the one at the bottom.
Submissive Spyro is frustratingly rare.
MawiIes said:
So I have to ask again... what is it here, what is the specific dynamic for people? People who like this, like the idea of someone who is sharing an intimate moment with someone they've loved all their life, suddenly being betrayed on the most sudden whim and killed slowly and in agony? Unf unf?And then what happens AFTER? The father comes back four hours later looking for a snack and goes "huh, I guess my kid was only good to tide me over the afternoon, time to raid the fridge" and then, y'know, 16+ years of loving and caring and financial and emotional love and hard work, just literally never thinks about it ever again. There was never a point, but boy I sure was hungry last night. Question mark?
I know. It's just furry porn. Don't think about it too hard :V But there has to be some concept of forethought on the viewers' parts. People who like seeing the ones they supposedly care for frightened for their lives and then destroyed.
Well generally vore is a submissive thing which ties into sex quite well. There is probably a very good explanation online somewhere.
Karukuji said:
Heh, you got me right, but not completely. I'm talking about statistics i'm getting from this picture. Everybody +favs and comments not my submissions on FA, nobody reads the description and praising Jackrow for coloring he didn't do x) Even after his responds to those people nothing changes. Maybe it sounds a bit irritating, but it feels really unfair when you did most of the work and then getting dunked like this only because you posted this work a bit later =\ And little change in tags wouldn't do anything, because the guy who posted it here linked this ONLY to his FA posts. Most people still wouldn't read the description and would fave and watch only Jackrow x) THAT is the problem, y'know. The statistics.
You did a great job never-the-less. It looks good and it's pretty hot (Though, admitely, there is a lot of blue :P)
Yamsomoto said:
Just edit the pick and add your artist name. And if anyone complains, tell them to look in the lower left corner.Edit: or better yet, I'll do it.
Heh, you got me right, but not completely. I'm talking about statistics i'm getting from this picture. Everybody +favs and comments not my submissions on FA, nobody reads the description and praising Jackrow for coloring he didn't do x) Even after his responds to those people nothing changes. Maybe it sounds a bit irritating, but it feels really unfair when you did most of the work and then getting dunked like this only because you posted this work a bit later =\ And little change in tags wouldn't do anything, because the guy who posted it here linked this ONLY to his FA posts. Most people still wouldn't read the description and would fave and watch only Jackrow x) THAT is the problem, y'know. The statistics.
Artanas42 said:
And to think, this is all just because they're both Horn-y.
You kow you're right. In fact now that you have me looking at it more closely, I'm starting to realize some issues with tagging. big dom small sub isn't true at all since there is a size difference but there's no submission, just sex... and they both have horns, which means this isn't ambiguous gender at all. It's gay sex.
Sapphire_spectre said:
I am struggling to see how this girl is a red panda.
Some of you guys must have top tier imaginations
Yeah, I don't get it either, but that's what Bellum listed as the species on the submission page, so... *shrug*
All I know is, I can't think of any species that it would fall under, so if someone else thinks it looks like another species, well... Tag What You See, y'know?
randomboy said:
neh boring story let me tell you a better one i made up :) We really don't have time for this," Twilight Sparkle hissed under her breath. "Make up an excuse Spike, tell them... you have a stomach ache!"
The baby dragon rolled his eyes. "Twilight," he sighed, "can't you just enjoy yourself for one afternoon? You're supposed to be making new friends."
Twilight Sparkle and Spike had come to Sweet Apple Acres to oversee preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration Banquet. Instead, they had met Applejack, a spunky tomboy of a pony who had immediately gone about introducing them to the entire Apple family before inviting them to a brunch that had turned into a banquet in its own right.
"There'll be plenty of time to make friends AFTER we save Equestria from Nightmare Moon," Twilight responded testily. Rising up from her plate of apple pie, she trotted over to where Applejack was just finishing her own meal. "Listen Applejack, the meal was wonderful, but Spike and I reeeeeally have to be going now."
Applejack looked up from under her large hat and shot a large grin back at her. "Well shucks Miss Twilight, we can't let y'all leave just yet, the fun's just gettin' started!"
Twilight shuffled her hooves uncomfortably, wondering how to extract herself from this situation, when she suddenly realized that the members of the Apple family had all finished their desserts and were now beginning to get a little too playful with each other. Twilight gasped in embarrassment as she saw that Apple Fritter and Red Gala were entwined with each other on the ground with their noses stuck between each other's hind legs. The young mares were completely oblivious to everything around them as they licked each other lovingly.
"Umm... now it's REALLY time for us to go," Twilight said nervously, but Applejack just laughed and gave her a smack on her violet rump. "Nonsense, little lady! It's time we showed y'all just what kinda fun we have here at Sweet Apple Acres!"
Twilight stiffened as Applejack circled around behind her and forwardly pushed her multicolored tail away with her nose, exposing the pony's rear to her tongue. "Oh my gosh!" Twilight exclaimed sharply as she felt Applejack's tongue slither up the length of her sensitive slit. She jumped away skittishly and attempted to cover herself with her tail.
"Don't worry sugar, c'mon and have some fun with us!" Applejack called after Twilight as Red Delicious and Golden Delicious walked up and began nuzzling her. She giggled as the two brothers licked at her neck. "Ah was gonna give Twilight first pick, darlin's, but I guess we need tah show her what she's missin'!"
Twilight's eyes were drawn down to the large erections that Red and Golden were sporting almost against her will. For a moment she pictured one of the boys mounting her from behind and... Twilight quickly pushed the image out of her mind as something else occurred to her. "Wait a minute, Applejack... aren't they your family?"
Applejack had begun to lick the two ponies back, but she flashed Twilight a big smile. "Ah heck, cousin, brother, sister... it's all the same here at Sweet Apple Acres! We're a right close and lovin' family!"
With that Applejack rolled over onto her side and stuck her head underneath Red Delicious's belly. Red lifted one leg off the ground to give Applejack better access as she began to lick along the length of his large shaft. Lapping up the bead of thick pre-cum forming on the head of his cock, she savored the taste before exclaiming "Mmmmm Mm! Sweet as always, cousin!"
Applejack lifted one of her hind legs into the air to allow Golden Delicious access to her wet crotch as she continued to lick her cousin's stiff cock. Golden dove in immediately, his large tongue working eagerly along the lips of her pussy before flicking playfully at her clit, causing Applejack to shudder and moan in delight.
Twilight watched awkwardly as Red Delicious repositioned himself so that his long cock pointed directly at Applejack's face. The blonde pony looked up at him and said "C'mon cousin, gimme all ya got!" before taking the head into her mouth and bobbing back and forth. Red threw back his head and pushed forward, burying more of his cock in Applejack's mouth while she did her best to deepthroat as much of it as she could. Once he'd gotten as far as Applejack could handle, he held it there for a moment as he enjoyed the feeling of the mare's wet mouth squeezing around his cock before reluctantly pulling himself out and allowing her to breathe again. After a quick break, Applejack went back to licking and sucking him with great enthusiasm.
Finally Red cried out "Ah'm gonna cum, cousin!" before once again ramming as much as he could down her throat. Applejack stretched out her long neck to accommodate his length and closed her eyes as Red shot his load of thick pony cum directly into her stomach. When Red was just about done, he pulled out of her throat; a few final spurts of cum shot out into her open mouth, as well as across her freckled face.
Golden Delicious stepped away and licked the sweet juices from his lips as Applejack stood. Twilight began to back away as the blonde pony approached her purposefully, but there was no escape. Applejack forced Twilight into a passionate kiss as she shared the cum she hadn't already swallowed. The kiss lasted only a moment before Twilight jerked back, but to her surprise she found the taste of Red's seed to be... delicious? Twilight hesitantly swallowed what she had in her mouth, feeling very conflicted.
"Welllll... maybe we can stay a little longer," Twilight said as she watched Applejack lick the rest of her cousin's cum off of her lips.
"Ah knew yew'd come around, sugar." Applejack said as she circled around Twilight again.
This time, the purple pony leaned the front of her body down towards the ground while pushing her rump higher into the air and presented herself to Applejack with a flick of her tail. Twilight shuddered and bit her lip as she felt the orange mare's tongue lap up and down the lips of her pussy before pushing its way inside of her.
Applejack moaned with delight and shoved her tongue in deeper as Golden Delicious, not content to just stand by and watch, nuzzled her rear end before jumping up and mounting her. His long cock slid into her easily, and as he began to thrust wildly, Applejack's face was pressed even harder against Twilight's soaked pussy.
After a few minutes, Applejack stopped licking to shout out "C'mon cousin, yew can go faster than that!" Golden Delicious redoubled his efforts as he did his best to pound the horny pony beneath him. "Oh yeah, now yer gettin' in deep!" she sighed.
Twilight felt a twinge of disappointment as Applejack's attention turned entirely to the fucking she was receiving; her dripping cunt burned with desire as she stepped back to watch the horny ponies. Suddenly she felt somebody brush up against her and, turning, found Big McIntosh smiling at her.
Applejack looked up at her, panting. "We ain't gonna leave ya hangin', sugarcube. Yer our guest o' honor, and that means ya get Big Mac!"
Stealing a peek, Twilight saw that Big Mac did indeed live up to his name. He was so well hung, in fact, that the purple pony started to have second thoughts. "Um... I'm not sure if this is a good idea," she said, pawing the ground nervously.
"Aw shucks, Big Mac's real gentle!" Applejack reassured her, punctuating her sentence with a long moan. Nodding towards a nearby tree, she said "Just brace yerself up over yonder and ah promise ya he'll show yew a real good time!"
With butterflies in her stomach, Twilight walked over to the tree and placed her front hooves against its trunk while standing up on her hind legs. Then she shut her eyes and tried not to clench up as Big Mac strutted over to her. The red pony's powerful front legs gripped her torso as he jumped up onto her; Twilight gasped as she felt the head of his massive cock push against her opening. At first it seemed like it wouldn't fit, but with one powerful thrust, Big Mac's massive shaft sunk home.
As Applejack had promised, however, Big Mac started off with slow and gentle, but very deep, thrusts. The stud licked Twilight's long neck tenderly, and soon she began to loosen up as the inexperienced mare found herself quite surprised at how good Big Mac's cock felt sliding in and out of her. Before she knew, she found herself yearning for him to go faster.
"Oh, that feels... really good!" Twilight grunted. "You can, ahhh... you can go faster if you want!"
Big Mac obliged, and his pace began to quicken. Twilight felt the weight of his sturdy body press her against the trunk of the tree and his front legs dig into her sides as he fucked her roughly. Warm juices, a mix of her own lubrication and Big Mac's thick pony cum, ran down her hind legs. Finally, she gave in completely.
"Please fuck me, Big Mac! Harder!" she begged.
Applejack smiled, satisfied to see that her new friend had given in to her pleasure. Then, turning her attention back to her own situation, she said "Let's switch, cousin." Golden Delicious dismounted from her reluctantly; it was only a moment before Applejack had rolled onto her back, however. Her tight pussy, orange on the outside and pink on the inside, was dripping wet as she looked up at him with all four of her legs spread wide. Golden Delicious climbed back on top of her, immediately thrusting the entirety of his long pony cock into his cousin's inviting hole and eliciting a long moan from her as he bent his neck down to lick at her face.
Although Twilight had become lost almost entirely in the rough fucking she was receiving from Big Mac, her eyes opened slightly and she saw Red Delicious standing off to the side, his cock fully erect again as he watched. A naughty thought struck her, and her unicorn horn began to glow slightly. The young pony gasped in surprise as he felt an unexpected pressure run up and down the length of his erection, and Twilight smiled to herself.
"Yer the tightest pony ah've ever had, miss Twilight," Big Mac grunted as he gave her an especially hard thrust, causing her to shudder. Then he added "Except for mah sister of course," as Applejack shot him a look.
The orange pony smiled and winked at her brother. Then she gasped and let out a long moan, wrapping all four of her legs tightly around Golden Delicious to keep him buried deep inside of her as she began to cum. "Fill me up, darlin," she encouraged as the insides of her cunt squeezed his shaft urgently. It was more than the poor pony could take, and Applejack felt his cock bulge slightly as he began to cum. The two ponies shook as they shared a powerful orgasm. Golden Delicious unloaded his thick pony cum into her, and soon it was running down her rump and into her tail as it spilled out of her.
When Golden Delicious was spent, he untangled himself and pulled out, leaving his cousin lying exhausted on the ground with her legs splayed and a big smile on her face. Red Delicious approached her stiffly, groaning as Twilight got him off with her unicorn magic. Applejack turned her head towards him just in time to catch his first massive blast of cum directly in her face. Jet after jet of warm cum sprayed over Applejack, coating her entire body. By the time he was finished, the orange cowpony was dripping head to hoof with the sweet, sticky substance.
Twilight felt herself beginning to go over the edge as well as Big Mac pounded her relentlessly. Sandwiched between the powerful pony and the trunk of the apple tree, she bit her lip and did her best to stay standing as she felt her legs weaken. The situation seemed totally unreal to the bookish mare as she experienced an explosive orgasm. Big Mac continued to thrust deeply, pumping Twilight full of cum as she convulsed uncontrollably underneath him.
When they had both finished, Big Mac pulled out and stepped away as Twilight slumped down against the tree with her tongue lolling out of her mouth. Her hind legs were open wide, exposing her cum-covered and well-fucked backside. At this point, Twilight was beyond caring who saw.
As Twilight recovered her strength, she felt several tongues lap at her cunt. Looking back lazily, she saw that Apple Fritter and Red Gala were enthusiastically gathering up the cum oozing from her pussy. When they had gotten their fill of it, the two ponies turned and gave each other a cum-swapping kiss as the Delicious brothers mounted both of them from behind. Nearby, Applejack had cleaned up a bit and was hungrily lapping at her brother's cock as it slowly began to come back to life.
Rolling over and rising to her feet again, Twilight sighed contentedly. Her visit to Sweet Apple Acres had been more fun than she'd thought, but it really was time to go. As she trotted away, Applejack raised her head off of Big Mac's cock and yelled out "It sure was nice meetin' yew, Twilight. Y'all come back any time now!"
Picking her way through the raucous orgy, Twilight finally managed to track down Spike. When she finally found him, he was energetically banging away at a tiny pony with a big pink bow that she recalled was named Apple Bloom.
"Spike!" said Twilight with a disapproving frown. "She's way too young to be having sex!"
"So am I!" replied the baby dragon smoothly. "She wanted it! And she's too small to handle any of the other ponies!" he argued as Twilight rolled her eyes.
"I'm almost finished, then we'll go," Spike said as he slapped Apple Bloom's ass, causing the little pony to squeal in delight. The two youngsters continued to go at it wildly until Spike pulled out and started to jerk his scaled cock. Apple Bloom spun around immediately and opened her mouth as Spike threw back his head and gave her a messy facial. When he was done, cum was plastered all along her face and mane and was dripping out of her filled mouth. Even her pink bow was completely covered in the stuff.
Spike barely had time to say goodbye before Twilight's magic whisked him up onto her back. "I'll come visit again!" he cried out after Apple Bloom as the two of them trotted away.
"Come on Twilight, tell me that wasn't fun!" Spike teased as he walked beside the exasperated mare.
"Ugh! We have more important things to worry about than who was right and who was wrong," she snapped. "Now, what's the next thing on the list?"
Shaking his head, Spike checked the parchment he was carrying. "Weather. It says here there's supposed to be a pegasus pony named Rainbow Dash clearing the clouds."
Looking up towards the sky, Twilight observed that the sky was not, in fact, clear of clouds. "Well, she's not doing a very good job, is she?" Twilight quipped.
No sooner had the sarcastic words left her mouth than a rainbow blur crashed into her, sending her tumbling across the road. It was several moments before Twilight realized she had ended up face down in a puddle of dirty water with another pony heaped on top of her. When she heard the pony giggle playfully, it further dawned on her what position they had happened to land in. A rainbow-colored tail hung down over her face, meaning the pony's other end was...
Twilight's head stopped spinning immediately as she felt a rough tongue slurp at her pussy. "Hey, you've been to Sweet Apple Acres, haven't you?"
Caught completely off guard, Twilight could only lie there bewildered. "Wha.... hah?"
The pony on top of her chuckled. "You taste like apples back here!" She took another lick before adding "Oh yeah, I'm Rainbow Dash!"
Finally regaining her composure, Twilight struggled to get out from under the pegasus, but Rainbow Dash refused to co-operate. "What the heck is going on here, get off of me!" Twilight yelled angrily.
Holding her down, Rainbow Dash laughed again. "Uh uh, you aren't going anywhere until I've had some fun with you!" Then, pushing Twilight's hind legs apart even further, she buried herself in the irate mare's pussy.
Determined not to be so easily pulled in to another sexual encounter, Twilight twisted and turned, but Rainbow Dash had her pinned. "Spike!" she cried desperately. "Get this crazy pony off of me!"
Beside them, Spike smiled and shrugged. "Gosh Twilight, what can I do? I'm only a helpless little baby dragon, after all!"
Dash happily pushed her tongue deep into Twilight's slit before flicking it over the mare's sensitive clit. "You can't fool me, you naughty little pony; I can taste the cum in you. I'll bet you're a total slut!" she said as she licked her lips.
Trying one last thing, Twilight asked "Aren't you supposed to be clearing the clouds out of the sky?" but Rainbow Dash just shrugged her off. "Yeah, yeah," the blue pegasus replied. "I'll get it done, just as soon as I'm done with you!"
Twilight tried and failed to stifle a moan as she felt Dash's tongue run along the sensitive lips of her slit again. Resigned to her fate, the mare tried to hide the pleasure she was feeling as she said "Fine, you win."
The spunky pegasus didn't even stop to acknowledge her victim's consent; instead she probed deeper into the unicorn's folds, withdrawing with a large dollop of semen on her tongue. Altough Dash preferred to play with other mares, even she recognized the distinctive taste of the potent seed. "Big Mac really filled you up, didn't he?" she said as she smacked her lips. "I love the taste of freshly-fucked cunt." Once she'd had her fill, Dash jumped off of Twilight.
"Roll over and we can have some real fun, you slutty little pony!" she commanded playfully. Although Twilight told herself she was only going along with this to speed things up, secretly she was eager to see what would happen next, and she obeyed. Turning around, Dash lay down on top of Twilight once more, her blue pussy hanging just above the mare's face as she went back to eating her out.
Hesitating only for a moment, Twilight gave the dripping slit an experimental lick. The taste was enticing, and she soon found herself lapping at it hungrily as she attempted to emulate the technique Dash was using on her. The pegasus began to grind her wet sex against Twilight's mouth, encouraging the inexperienced mare to work harder. Dash's body shook in ecstasy as Twilight's tongue flicked back and forth across her clit.
"Okay, stop, that's enough," moaned Dash, rising and stepping away from Twilight again.
"Umm... are we done?" asked Twilight, feeling disappointed in spite of herself.
Dash laughed. "Of course not, now it's time for the big finish!"
Twilight lay there, curious, as Dash sat down between her hind legs, laying one of them over her body so that the two ponies' wet pussies were in direct contact with one another. Then the pegasus began to gyrate her lower body, grinding her slit against Twilight. "C'mon, do it with me," Dash panted.
The feeling of Dash's privates mashed against her made Twilight burn with pleasure. Awkwardly, she attempted to match her partner's motions. After a little bit of practice, the two ponies had matched their rhythms. They lay together in the middle of the road, twisting and grinding against each other and moaning erotically.
As Dash neared her orgasm, her rubbing became increasingly aggressive. Sitting up and wrapping her front legs around one of Twilight's hind legs, she began to buck violently. Clinging tightly to Twilight's leg, Dash let out a long, erotic moan and beat her wings feverishly as she came hard. Slick lubrication flowed out of her and into her lover's purple fur as she rubbed herself wantonly against her. Biting her lower lip, Twilight had no choice but to lie still as Dash sated herself on top of her.
With one last grunt, Dash stopped shaking and unceremoniously slumped to the ground with her wings fully outstretched. "That... was awesome," she sighed, her eyelids half-closed in exhaustion.
Although Dash's intense orgasm had helped fuel Twilight's own lust, the unicorn was disappointed and annoyed that she hadn't been able to cum as well. In her head, Twilight imagined jumping on top of Dash and using her the same way she had been used, but she was far too reserved to go through with it, let alone admit that she had enjoyed the lesbian lovemaking session at all.
Instead, she stood and, after clearing her throat and regaining her composure, said "I hope you have enough energy left to clear all of these clouds out of the sky," Twilight chastised her.
Dash was completely oblivious in her post-orgasmic bliss, however. "Yeah yeah, I'll do it. Just gimme a little bit," she responded, brushing Twilight off.
It took quite a bit more cajoling, but at last Dash made good on her promise. As boastful as she was, Twilight had to admit that the spunky pegasus was quite skilled. In just moments, the overcast sky was clear as a bell.
Ready to continue on her way, Twilight found Spike loitering nearby with a hard-on in his hand. "I hope you enjoyed the show," she spat at him. The baby dragon blushed and shrugged meekly, but didn't protest as Twilight led the way onward.
As Twilight stepped into the celebration hall, one thing became immediately apparent - the décor was absolutely fabulous. The room was festooned with a cavalcade of colorful ribbons, banners, streamers and flowers, and the golden balustrades had all been polished to a lustrous sparkle. It was a room that was certainly fit for a princess. Spike's mouth hung agape, but his attention was fixed on a different beauty: the unicorn completely absorbed in her selection of ribbons.
Spike was positively drooling over the enchanting pony. "She's beautiful!" Twilight rolled her eyes at the lovestruck dragon.
When Twilight had tried to introduce herself, however, the unicorn politely brushed her off before continuing her work. "Just a moment please, I'm 'in the zone,' as i'twere." Her horn sparkled as she put the finishing touches on the sparkling red bow she was tying to the shining golden column. "Why, Rarity, you are a talent!" she said to herself as she admired her work. All smiles, the charming unicorn then turned to greet her visitors.
It wasn't until that moment that Twilight realized just what an embarrassing state she was in. Her tussle with Rainbow Dash out in the street had left her a complete mess; not only had the muddy water stained her coat and matted her mane, but her fur was still somewhat moist from Dash's feminine juices, and what's more, she stank of sex.
"Oh my stars, darling," Rarity gasped in alarm. "Whatever happened to you??" Before Twilight could think of an excuse, however, she continued with a huff and a flick of her luxurious purple mane. "Wait, I know. It was that dreadful Rainbow Dash, wasn't it? She assaulted you right in the middle of the road, didn't she?"
Twilight responded with an uneasy smile and a shrug. "Oh, don't worry about that," she laughed nervously. "I'm just here to check on the decorations for the banquet, and things seem to be coming along nicely, so I'll just -"
"Oh no no no my dear!" Rarity interrupted her. "This simply will not do at all, come with me at once!"
As much as Twilight was loathe to be delayed yet again, she also realized that she desperately needed to clean up. Giving only a token amount of protest, she allowed the gorgeous unicorn to practically push her out the door and lead her across town to her salon, with the enamored Spike following closely behind them. After a quick bath and makeover, Twilight was feeling much more relaxed than she had been all day.
"I feel so much better now, thank you," Twilight said gratefully as she looked at herself in the large salon mirror. "I am on a schedule, however, and I really have to be going now."
But Rarity wouldn't hear of it. "Nonsense darling, I couldn't possibly let you leave yet!" Twilight gave her a questioning look as she continued. "Let me guess. Rainbow Dash pounced upon you and, thinking only of herself, left you completely unsatisfied." Raising her nose high in the air, the unicorn laid a sympathetic hoof on Twilight. "Don't worry, Rarity has just the thing for you!"
With a sparkle of magic, the top drawer of the cabinet in front of Twilight slid open to reveal the largest assortment of sex toys she had ever seen. Strap-ons, dildos, vibrators of all different sizes, shapes and colors were all laid out neatly before her. Rolling her eyes, Twilight groaned. "Oh no, not you too." Behind her, Spike did his best to suppress his laughter.
"Come now dear, I know how frustrating it is to be left unsatisfied," Rarity said as she looked through her collection. "But we can fix that little problem, can't we? Aha, this will do wonderfully!" Using her magical powers, Rarity levitated a thick double-ended dildo out of the drawer. "I dare say, this will do wonderfully for both of us!"
The rubbery toy flew through the air, one end pointing purposefully towards Twilight's rear. Rarity placed a gentle hoof on her shoulder. "Lift your tail, dear," she instructed. Twilight looked over her shoulder, sizing up the double-ended horsecock dildo and deciding whether she should bolt out of the salon or do as she had been told. To her utter embarrassment, she realized that her pussy had moistened at the thought of letting this pretty unicorn get her off. Twilight lifted her tail obediently, and the dildo slid its way into her waiting slit.
Seeing that her new friend was willing, Rarity nodded in satisfaction before trotting around and standing with her back towards Twilight, then raised her tail to reveal the delicate folds of tender pink pussy and carefully backed up against the other end of the sex toy. As the thick rubber shaft slid into her inch by inch, Rarity let out a series of tiny sighs and moans, culminating in one final cry of satisfaction when her rear end bumped against Twilight's. The two ponies stood together, ass to ass, the double dildo shared equally between them.
Rarity's purple tail flicked against Twilight's flanks provocatively. "Doesn't this feel marvelous, darling? So much better than that brutish Rainbow Dash, I'm sure!" Rarity said as she began to rock back and forth. The dildo worked its way in and out of the pretty mare's pussy, the gentle movements stimulating Twilight at the same time. Twilight bit her lip and found herself matching the Rarity's thrusts and gyrations with her own.
The two ponies could each feel every movement the other made through the shared sex toy, and they soon found their paces quickening as they drove each other to further heights of ecstasy. Twilight allowed herself to be lost in the erotic feeling of this shared masturbation; she pressed back against Rarity as hard as she could, and in turn felt Rarity pressing back against her. The dildo disappeared entirely as the ponies rubbed up against each other. Twilight moaned as she felt her cunt, spread wide around the thick rubber toy, rub directly against Rarity's cunt, stretched around the same shaft.
"Oh yes!" Rarity cried, momentarily losing her ladylike composure. "Rub your ass against me you little pony slut!" Then, remembering herself, she held up her head and gave a small "Ahem!"
It was then that Rarity noticed Spike standing in the corner of the room by himself. The young was attempting hide his massive erection. "Um... h-hi," Spike said dumbly, trying to overcome his embarrassment. Rarity smirked and beckoned him over; with hearts in his eyes, the smitten dragon nearly floated across the room and stood before her.
"If you wanted to join us, dear, why didn't you just say so?" Rarity scolded him. "I'd never leave such a handsome young man out!"
Spike's cheeks burned at the praise, causing Rarity to laugh and bat her eyes in a flirting manner. Then she lowered her head and daintily stole a taste of his salty pre-cum from the tip of his cock. The pony's long tongue snaked out along the underside of Spike's hard member before she moved to take it into her mouth entirely. Spike gripped the sides of Rarity's head and began to fuck her face, not entirely sure that he wasn't dreaming.
Twilight, meanwhile, was still grinding herself against the sex toy and Rarity's ass. She eyed the drawer, still hanging open in front of her, and her gaze fell upon a smaller, smooth rod. Although she'd never used one before, she recognized it as a vibrator. Her unicorn horn began to glow as she tried to focus on lifting it up into the air. Twilight pulled away from Rarity momentarily as the vibrator flew, somewhat shakily, through the air, coming to a rest suspended in between the two ponies. Then Twilight thrust back violently, burying half of the toy in her ass and causing the other half to be pushed into Rarity. Rarity's eyes shot wide open at the unexpected anal intrusion, and she moaned around Spike's cock as the rod began to vibrate.
The double stimulation from the dildo in her pussy and the vibrator in her ass made Twilight's insides churn and her knees weak. "I'm gonna cum!" she cried out. Rarity's mouth was too full to answer, so instead she wiggled her behind against Twilight encouragingly. Lubrication gushed from both of their pussies, mingling together and soaking into each other's fur. The two unicorns came, long and hard, together.
Rarity's mouth clamped down around Spike's cock like a vice while her tongue swirled around the dragon's shaft; she was determined to milk every bit of cum out of him before her own orgasm was finished. Spike grabbed Rarity's horn as he humped the unicorn's hungry mouth. Rarity barely had time to taste his first spurt as it rocketed down her throat. Then her mouth began to fill with the thick, warm fluid. Spike was clasped to her face, panting, as she swallowed it all, careful not to waste even a single drop. When she had sucked him dry, she let his cock slip free and kissed the head tenderly.
After several minutes of passion and lust, Twilight's orgasm began to fade. She felt her legs give out from under her and she collapsed onto the floor. The sex toys slid out of the two mares with a wet *pop*, also falling to the floor. Rarity turned and, lifting the large double dildo back into the air with her magic, began to lick at the juices coating it.
"Oh, what an exquisite taste," Rarity said, licking her lips daintily. "Your juices taste almost as sweet as mine do, dear."
Once Twilight had recovered, Rarity insisted on helping her clean up for a second time. "Please, your delicious little behind is positively drenched," she insisted, and Twilight relented. As Rarity pampered her, Spike approached with his checklist.
"Should I check this one off then?" he asked.
"Check what?" Twilight said, momentarily confused. Then she snapped back to reality. "The checklist! Of course!" She nodded matter-of-factly. "Yes, decorations are coming along just fine I think."
And then it was time to move on. As the two walked out of the salon, Rarity waved after them with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Do come again, both of you! I've got so many bridles that would look simply ravishing on you."
"This day has been a complete disaster," Twilight said in a huff. "We haven't even checked everything off of the list yet, and then we'll barely have any time at all to research the Elements of Harmony!"
"Oh please," Spike said, rolling his eyes. "You can't even pretend you didn't enjoy that last stop. Whose idea was that vibrator again?"
Twilight blushed. "O-of course that wasn't me. Never mind that, what's the last item on our list?"
Music was the last item of business left for her to check on. It wasn't long before they came upon a pink-haired pegasus conducting a birdsong choir. Twilight found herself holding her breath as she introduced herself, fearing that she would be pulled into yet another sexual misadventure, further derailing her quest. To her relief, the pony was so incredibly shy that Twilight could barely drag a name out of her. Nevertheless, the birds seemed more than ready for the Summer Sun Celebration, and Twilight prepared to leave without incident.
Then the shy pegasus saw Spike.
"A baby dragon!" she cried, crashing into Twilight in her haste. "Oh, I've never seen a baby dragon before! He's soooo cute!" she gushed.
"Well, well, well!" Spike said to Twilight smugly.
The pony, who introduced herself as Fluttershy, continued to fawn over the baby dragon as Twilight went to leave. Fluttershy continued to follow the pair.
"Wow, a talking dragon! And what do dragons talk about?"
"Well, what do you wanna know?" Spike asked.
"Absolutely everything!" Fluttershy said. Twilight gagged.
At least I'll get some peace when I reach the library, Twilight thought to herself as she trudged along. She tried to tune out Spike as her chattered away to Fluttershy from on top of her back. Her thoughts drifted back to the threat of Nightmare Moon, and the secret of the Elements of Harmony that she was determined to uncover. Ponyville had not been what she was expecting... although she had to admit to herself, it hadn't really been all that bad...
They reached the library just as Spike's tale was winding down. "Do you want to hear about today?" he said.
"Oh, yes please!" Fluttershy said, her exuberance not having flagged in the slightest.
"No!" cried Twilight in alarm. "Ahaha, I'm sorry, but this is where we'll be staying during our visit to Ponyville, and I really have to put Spike to bed. Bye!" Without even giving Fluttershy a chance to return the goodbye, Twilight zipped into the dark library and slammed the door behind her.
"Spike, the last thing that sweet little pony wants to hear about is all the sex we've had today," said Twilight in a huff. "In fact, you're never to speak of it to anyone ever, got it?"
Suddenly, the lights in the library flicked on, followed immediately by a cacophonous yell of "SURPRISE!" Twilight blinked, taking a moment to realize that the room was filled with ponies. Then she blinked again, further realizing that she was practically surrounded by stallions, all displaying large erections. Twilight barely had time to utter a shocked "What the heck is-" before she was mounted from behind. The stranger put his hooves on her head dominantly, pushing her down onto the floor. The others began to close in around her, helping to hold her down as the well-endowed male pushed himself into Twilight's vulnerable pussy.
Twilight struggled to look up from the floor as a very excited pink pony bounced up to her. "Hi, my name's Pinkie Pie!" said the bubbly pony. "Were ya surprised? Huh huh huh, were ya?!" Pinkie Pie bounced up and down, barely able to contain herself.
"What the - everybody get off me!" Twilight said, struggling futilely.
"But I threw this party just for you!" Pinkie said. "I invited eeeeeverypony in Ponyville so that you'll be able to make lots and lots of friends!"
Twilight scanned the room as best she could from her position on the floor. Sure enough, she recognized several of the ponies in the room. In one corner, Big Mac was laying on the floor while both of his sisters, Applejack and Apple Bloom, gave his huge cock a tongue bath. Rainbow Dash had her face buried in Applejack's behind, her multicolored tail swishing back and forth as she ate the other pony out. Finally, there was Rarity, lubing up the strap-on she was wearing. The entire room was filled with ponies engaged in various sexual pursuits.
Twilight's view was obstructed when one of the stallions sat down on his haunches directly in front of her. Pinkie sat next to him and began to stroke his cock with her two front hooves. "You just sit right there, you naughty little filly. Kinkie Pie is going to get you nice and messy!"
Twilight didn't have much of a choice; she was still pinned to the floor while the stallion on top of her pounded her pussy mercilessly. Pinkie enthusiastically licked and nibbled at the lucky pony's cock as she gave him a hoofjob. When he came, the pink pony gleefully aimed the spurting member right at Twilight's face. Ropes of thick pony cum splattered into her mane, against her forehead and all along her muzzle. When the pony was done cumming, he stood and allowed another virile stallion to take his place.
"This is so much fun, isn't it Twilight Sparkle?" said Pinkie. Twilight started to answer, but began to sputter and cough as another blast of semen unexpectedly flew into her mouth. Pinkie giggled, still stroking the pony cock while it coated Twilight with gooey cum.
While Twilight was receiving her third facial, the stallion mounting her began to buck harder against her and she felt him begin to cum inside of her. When he was done, he dismounted, and Twilight felt another stallion take his place. She moaned in protest, partially objecting to being the focal point of this pony gangbang, and partially because she was starting to enjoy it. When the third deluge of cum stopped spattering against Twilight's soaked face, Pinkie Pie began to lick the cum off of her.
"Mmmmmm, I love cum!" she said between mouthfuls. "Come on Twilight, let's share it, it's delicious!" The pink pony pressed her lips to Twilight's, forcing her tongue into the unicorn's mouth, and a large portion of cum along with it. Pinkie's butt wiggled playfully in the air as she kissed Twilight, attracting the attention of one of the male ponies. When he jumped up on top of her, she giggled into Twilight's mouth and broke the cummy kiss. "Ooooh, now it's my turn? Do me hard!"
Meanwhile, Spike was facing a dilemma. He stroked his chin as he looked back and forth, muttering to himself. "Hmmm, Apple Bloom or Rarity? I wonder if I could get them both at the same time... Waaah!"
Without warning, the dragon was scooped up into the air. It was Fluttershy. "Oh, I'm sorry, Spike," the pegasus said sweetly. "But will you come upstairs with me?" The shy pony was blushing profusely.
Before he could answer, Fluttershy sailed through the room and up the stairs into the bedroom. Setting Spike down gently on the bed, Fluttershy clopped her hooves together in front of her and gave him a shy smile. "Ummm... I wanted some privacy. Do you think we could, um...?" Her voice trailed off as she looked at Spike expectantly. The baby dragon slicked back the green fin on his head; he knew exactly what Fluttershy needed.
Fluttershy stood next to the low bed and turned around, presenting her backside to Spike. Her long pink mane obscured her face as she looked over her shoulder and said "Please be gentle, Spike... it's my first time." Her pink tail flicked to the side, revealing her moist slit. Spike couldn't help but strut as he walked to the edge of the bed. Twilight will go crazy when she hears about what we did in her bed, he thought smugly. Spike rubbed the tip of his erect cock against Fluttershy's opening. Before sticking it in, however, he grabbed the pony's tail and gave it a playful tug, causing her to squeal. Then, still gripping Fluttershy's tail, he began to slide into her.
The virgin pony's pussy was tight, but Spike's cock fit snugly inside. "Oh my," the timid pony said when he had sunk himself all the way in. "It feels... wonderful!" Spike slapped her ass. "Just wait'll I really get started!" he boasted. Then he placed his hands on her soft yellow flanks and began to thrust. Fluttershy raised her ass higher in the air, dipping her head down towards the floor, as she submitted to the tiny dragon. It was just as amazing as she had hoped it would be. Before long, she found herself jerking her hips in time with Spike's movements.
"Are you sure this is your first time? You're great!" Spike said, trying to flatter her.
Fluttershy's cheeks turned red and she gave him a shy smile. "Oh, well... I like to watch the animals in the forest when they... when they... you know." Suddenly she let out a high-pitched squeak. "Oh, right there, Spike! That felt so good!"
"Like this?" Spike said, repeating the thrusting motion he'd just made and hitting Fluttershy's sensitive spot again. The gentle pony pawed at the floor and tried not to moan, but the erotic feelings were getting to be too much for her. Her pegasus wings unfurled and stretched up into the air, and Spike felt her insides milk his cock. Despite her silence, Spike suspected that she was about to cum. He was right.
"What... what's happening?!" Fluttershy asked in alarm as the unfamiliar sensations began to wash through her trembling body. Spike grinned at her naivety, slapping her ass again and redoubling his efforts. Fluttershy's wings flailed and she let out a series of strained moans and squeaks. The forest creatures she'd spied on always seemed to have a great time, but this was much more than she had ever expected. Spike continued to ride the ecstatic pony until she finally collapsed onto the floor.
Wasting no time, Spike jumped down after her and, jerking his cock rapidly, aimed it at the overwhelmed pony. Fluttershy let out an adorable "Eek!" as the dragon began to cum on her face. She barely had time to close her eyes as the first thick line hit the right side of her face. Her pink mane fell down over the left side, and soon it was covered in semen. "Not my mane!" Fluttershy tried to say, but before she could finish Spike shot a powerful spurt of cum right into her mouth, which she swallowed reflexively. Taking the initiative, Spike took a step closer and, grabbing the top of her mane, jammed his cock into her mouth. Fluttershy was confused, but she didn't resist as he delivered the last of his load down her throat.
When spike stepped back, Fluttershy's face was a gooey mess. "Um... did I do okay?" she asked timidly.
"Oh yeah," Spike said breathlessly. "Give me a little bit and I'll show you a few more tricks!" He was far from done with the submissive little pony.
Downstairs, the orgy was still in full swing. Pinkie Pie was straddling one stallion, bouncing up and down on top of him, while she stroked the cock's of two other pony's standing to either side of her. "Ooooh gimme more cum, hurry!" she giggled. Grunting, the two ponies both began to cum, bathing the hyperactive pink pony with white, sticky fluid. "Yummy!" said Pinkie Pie, opening her mouth and trying to catch as much as she could. By the time the two males were done, Pinkie Pie was dripping with cum. They stepped away and two more ponies immediately took their place. Pinkie eagerly began to rub her hooves against their large cocks. Meanwhile, the stallion underneath her thrust his hips upward as he shot his load inside of her.
Beside the Pinkie Pie gangbang, Twilight was no longer being held down. There was no use fighting it anymore, she thought as the tenth pony in a row rutted himself on top of her. She licked a bit of cum off of her lips and looked up at the pony standing in front of her. "Well, what are you waiting for?" she asked him. The stallion answered her by jamming his massive cock into her mouth and fucking her face. Twilight moaned and worked her tongue around his shaft. At the same time, she wiggled her ass against the pony on top of her, encouraging him to pound her harder. The Elements of Harmony were completely forgotten; Twilight felt like a slut and she loved it.
Big Mac lay back against the wall as Applejack and Apple Bloom serviced his massive cock together. The two mares ceased licking and sucking only long enough to give each other a loving sisterly kiss; their tongues swapped Big Mac's pre-cum back and forth as they rubbed against each other.
"Don't you fret, little sugarcube," Applejack said to her sister. "You'll be big enough tah take Big Mac some day, ah promise!"
"That's okay, sis," said Apple Bloom. "Ah can wait." Her pussy dripped as she thought of Spike.
"You two gunna finish this job?" Big Mac asked with a lazy smile. Applejack and Apple Bloom turned back to him. The older pony began to suckle on the head of his cock while the younger pony wrapped her hooves around the shaft and stroked him up and down while kissing and licking it. It didn't take too much longer for him to cum. When she felt his cock begin to bulge in her mouth, Applejack pulled back and allowed him to shower both her and Apple Bloom in cum. When he was spent, the two cum-soaked sisters turned to each other.
"Yer job ain't done yet little sis," Applejack said, sitting back on her haunches and spreading her legs. Big Mac's cum streamed down her body and around the lips of her cunt as Apple Bloom began to lick her tenderly.
Rarity had dragged Rainbow Dash away from Applejack and managed to somehow tie her up with several large, silky ribbons. "Get off me!" Dash protested, but Rarity simply tsk'd. "Dash, you have been such a bad little pony, taking advantage of our new friend Twilight Sparkle like that. Now it's time for your punishment." Dash struggled helplessly as Rarity pounded away at her with her huge rubber strap-on. "And once I'm done with you, maybe I'll let some of the stallions have a turn with you!" she threatened.
The orgy continued long into the night, but eventually all of the ponies wore themselves out. Spike found Twilight lying on her back in the middle of a huge pool of cum, her fur completely matted with the stuff. She sighed at him lazily. "Maybe Ponyville isn't such a bad place after all," she said.
"So what about the Elements of Harmony?" Spike asked her.
Twilight shrugged. "I'm sure there'll be time, the Summer Sun Celebration Banquet is still a few hours away." She eyed Spike up and down. "Where were you this whole time?"
"Uh... nowhere!" Spike said, hoping Twilight wouldn't go upstairs to find the well-fucked Fluttershy passed out in her bed.
Twilight had other plans, however. Her gaze dropped low as she said, "Spike, I'm sorry for the way I treated you today." Then she spread her hind legs. "Wanna let me make it up to you?" she said provocatively.
Spike put his hands on his hips and smiled. Yes, it had been a great day after all.
This could be made into a fanfiction, with multiple chapters.
Cerupine said:
I've noticed that a bit lately. Why is that?This is a porn site. Whether or not that was its original intent, that's what it has become. Same with FA, regardless of whether "clean" submissions outnumber porn or not.
You're going to get these kinds of comments on a porn site. "Wish I were X in this pic," or "Wish I was Y in that Flash," and "That [anatomy element] looks delicious" are all things to expect on a porn site.
It's also part of the fun of participating on a porn site! =D
The mods have stated on several occasions that those kind of comments aren't welcome here.
Rally said:
This type of comment is frowned upon here.
I've noticed that a bit lately. Why is that?
This is a porn site. Whether or not that was its original intent, that's what it has become. Same with FA, regardless of whether "clean" submissions outnumber porn or not.
You're going to get these kinds of comments on a porn site. "Wish I were X in this pic," or "Wish I was Y in that Flash," and "That [anatomy element] looks delicious" are all things to expect on a porn site.
It's also part of the fun of participating on a porn site! =D
randomboy said:
neh boring story let me tell you a better one i made up :) We really don't have time for this," Twilight Sparkle hissed under her breath. "Make up an excuse Spike, tell them... you have a stomach ache!"The baby dragon rolled his eyes. "Twilight," he sighed, "can't you just enjoy yourself for one afternoon? You're supposed to be making new friends."
Twilight Sparkle and Spike had come to Sweet Apple Acres to oversee preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration Banquet. Instead, they had met Applejack, a spunky tomboy of a pony who had immediately gone about introducing them to the entire Apple family before inviting them to a brunch that had turned into a banquet in its own right.
"There'll be plenty of time to make friends AFTER we save Equestria from Nightmare Moon," Twilight responded testily. Rising up from her plate of apple pie, she trotted over to where Applejack was just finishing her own meal. "Listen Applejack, the meal was wonderful, but Spike and I reeeeeally have to be going now."
Applejack looked up from under her large hat and shot a large grin back at her. "Well shucks Miss Twilight, we can't let y'all leave just yet, the fun's just gettin' started!"
Twilight shuffled her hooves uncomfortably, wondering how to extract herself from this situation, when she suddenly realized that the members of the Apple family had all finished their desserts and were now beginning to get a little too playful with each other. Twilight gasped in embarrassment as she saw that Apple Fritter and Red Gala were entwined with each other on the ground with their noses stuck between each other's hind legs. The young mares were completely oblivious to everything around them as they licked each other lovingly.
"Umm... now it's REALLY time for us to go," Twilight said nervously, but Applejack just laughed and gave her a smack on her violet rump. "Nonsense, little lady! It's time we showed y'all just what kinda fun we have here at Sweet Apple Acres!"
Twilight stiffened as Applejack circled around behind her and forwardly pushed her multicolored tail away with her nose, exposing the pony's rear to her tongue. "Oh my gosh!" Twilight exclaimed sharply as she felt Applejack's tongue slither up the length of her sensitive slit. She jumped away skittishly and attempted to cover herself with her tail.
"Don't worry sugar, c'mon and have some fun with us!" Applejack called after Twilight as Red Delicious and Golden Delicious walked up and began nuzzling her. She giggled as the two brothers licked at her neck. "Ah was gonna give Twilight first pick, darlin's, but I guess we need tah show her what she's missin'!"
Twilight's eyes were drawn down to the large erections that Red and Golden were sporting almost against her will. For a moment she pictured one of the boys mounting her from behind and... Twilight quickly pushed the image out of her mind as something else occurred to her. "Wait a minute, Applejack... aren't they your family?"
Applejack had begun to lick the two ponies back, but she flashed Twilight a big smile. "Ah heck, cousin, brother, sister... it's all the same here at Sweet Apple Acres! We're a right close and lovin' family!"
With that Applejack rolled over onto her side and stuck her head underneath Red Delicious's belly. Red lifted one leg off the ground to give Applejack better access as she began to lick along the length of his large shaft. Lapping up the bead of thick pre-cum forming on the head of his cock, she savored the taste before exclaiming "Mmmmm Mm! Sweet as always, cousin!"
Applejack lifted one of her hind legs into the air to allow Golden Delicious access to her wet crotch as she continued to lick her cousin's stiff cock. Golden dove in immediately, his large tongue working eagerly along the lips of her pussy before flicking playfully at her clit, causing Applejack to shudder and moan in delight.
Twilight watched awkwardly as Red Delicious repositioned himself so that his long cock pointed directly at Applejack's face. The blonde pony looked up at him and said "C'mon cousin, gimme all ya got!" before taking the head into her mouth and bobbing back and forth. Red threw back his head and pushed forward, burying more of his cock in Applejack's mouth while she did her best to deepthroat as much of it as she could. Once he'd gotten as far as Applejack could handle, he held it there for a moment as he enjoyed the feeling of the mare's wet mouth squeezing around his cock before reluctantly pulling himself out and allowing her to breathe again. After a quick break, Applejack went back to licking and sucking him with great enthusiasm.
Finally Red cried out "Ah'm gonna cum, cousin!" before once again ramming as much as he could down her throat. Applejack stretched out her long neck to accommodate his length and closed her eyes as Red shot his load of thick pony cum directly into her stomach. When Red was just about done, he pulled out of her throat; a few final spurts of cum shot out into her open mouth, as well as across her freckled face.
Golden Delicious stepped away and licked the sweet juices from his lips as Applejack stood. Twilight began to back away as the blonde pony approached her purposefully, but there was no escape. Applejack forced Twilight into a passionate kiss as she shared the cum she hadn't already swallowed. The kiss lasted only a moment before Twilight jerked back, but to her surprise she found the taste of Red's seed to be... delicious? Twilight hesitantly swallowed what she had in her mouth, feeling very conflicted.
"Welllll... maybe we can stay a little longer," Twilight said as she watched Applejack lick the rest of her cousin's cum off of her lips.
"Ah knew yew'd come around, sugar." Applejack said as she circled around Twilight again.
This time, the purple pony leaned the front of her body down towards the ground while pushing her rump higher into the air and presented herself to Applejack with a flick of her tail. Twilight shuddered and bit her lip as she felt the orange mare's tongue lap up and down the lips of her pussy before pushing its way inside of her.
Applejack moaned with delight and shoved her tongue in deeper as Golden Delicious, not content to just stand by and watch, nuzzled her rear end before jumping up and mounting her. His long cock slid into her easily, and as he began to thrust wildly, Applejack's face was pressed even harder against Twilight's soaked pussy.
After a few minutes, Applejack stopped licking to shout out "C'mon cousin, yew can go faster than that!" Golden Delicious redoubled his efforts as he did his best to pound the horny pony beneath him. "Oh yeah, now yer gettin' in deep!" she sighed.
Twilight felt a twinge of disappointment as Applejack's attention turned entirely to the fucking she was receiving; her dripping cunt burned with desire as she stepped back to watch the horny ponies. Suddenly she felt somebody brush up against her and, turning, found Big McIntosh smiling at her.
Applejack looked up at her, panting. "We ain't gonna leave ya hangin', sugarcube. Yer our guest o' honor, and that means ya get Big Mac!"
Stealing a peek, Twilight saw that Big Mac did indeed live up to his name. He was so well hung, in fact, that the purple pony started to have second thoughts. "Um... I'm not sure if this is a good idea," she said, pawing the ground nervously.
"Aw shucks, Big Mac's real gentle!" Applejack reassured her, punctuating her sentence with a long moan. Nodding towards a nearby tree, she said "Just brace yerself up over yonder and ah promise ya he'll show yew a real good time!"
With butterflies in her stomach, Twilight walked over to the tree and placed her front hooves against its trunk while standing up on her hind legs. Then she shut her eyes and tried not to clench up as Big Mac strutted over to her. The red pony's powerful front legs gripped her torso as he jumped up onto her; Twilight gasped as she felt the head of his massive cock push against her opening. At first it seemed like it wouldn't fit, but with one powerful thrust, Big Mac's massive shaft sunk home.
As Applejack had promised, however, Big Mac started off with slow and gentle, but very deep, thrusts. The stud licked Twilight's long neck tenderly, and soon she began to loosen up as the inexperienced mare found herself quite surprised at how good Big Mac's cock felt sliding in and out of her. Before she knew, she found herself yearning for him to go faster.
"Oh, that feels... really good!" Twilight grunted. "You can, ahhh... you can go faster if you want!"
Big Mac obliged, and his pace began to quicken. Twilight felt the weight of his sturdy body press her against the trunk of the tree and his front legs dig into her sides as he fucked her roughly. Warm juices, a mix of her own lubrication and Big Mac's thick pony cum, ran down her hind legs. Finally, she gave in completely.
"Please fuck me, Big Mac! Harder!" she begged.
Applejack smiled, satisfied to see that her new friend had given in to her pleasure. Then, turning her attention back to her own situation, she said "Let's switch, cousin." Golden Delicious dismounted from her reluctantly; it was only a moment before Applejack had rolled onto her back, however. Her tight pussy, orange on the outside and pink on the inside, was dripping wet as she looked up at him with all four of her legs spread wide. Golden Delicious climbed back on top of her, immediately thrusting the entirety of his long pony cock into his cousin's inviting hole and eliciting a long moan from her as he bent his neck down to lick at her face.
Although Twilight had become lost almost entirely in the rough fucking she was receiving from Big Mac, her eyes opened slightly and she saw Red Delicious standing off to the side, his cock fully erect again as he watched. A naughty thought struck her, and her unicorn horn began to glow slightly. The young pony gasped in surprise as he felt an unexpected pressure run up and down the length of his erection, and Twilight smiled to herself.
"Yer the tightest pony ah've ever had, miss Twilight," Big Mac grunted as he gave her an especially hard thrust, causing her to shudder. Then he added "Except for mah sister of course," as Applejack shot him a look.
The orange pony smiled and winked at her brother. Then she gasped and let out a long moan, wrapping all four of her legs tightly around Golden Delicious to keep him buried deep inside of her as she began to cum. "Fill me up, darlin," she encouraged as the insides of her cunt squeezed his shaft urgently. It was more than the poor pony could take, and Applejack felt his cock bulge slightly as he began to cum. The two ponies shook as they shared a powerful orgasm. Golden Delicious unloaded his thick pony cum into her, and soon it was running down her rump and into her tail as it spilled out of her.
When Golden Delicious was spent, he untangled himself and pulled out, leaving his cousin lying exhausted on the ground with her legs splayed and a big smile on her face. Red Delicious approached her stiffly, groaning as Twilight got him off with her unicorn magic. Applejack turned her head towards him just in time to catch his first massive blast of cum directly in her face. Jet after jet of warm cum sprayed over Applejack, coating her entire body. By the time he was finished, the orange cowpony was dripping head to hoof with the sweet, sticky substance.
Twilight felt herself beginning to go over the edge as well as Big Mac pounded her relentlessly. Sandwiched between the powerful pony and the trunk of the apple tree, she bit her lip and did her best to stay standing as she felt her legs weaken. The situation seemed totally unreal to the bookish mare as she experienced an explosive orgasm. Big Mac continued to thrust deeply, pumping Twilight full of cum as she convulsed uncontrollably underneath him.
When they had both finished, Big Mac pulled out and stepped away as Twilight slumped down against the tree with her tongue lolling out of her mouth. Her hind legs were open wide, exposing her cum-covered and well-fucked backside. At this point, Twilight was beyond caring who saw.
As Twilight recovered her strength, she felt several tongues lap at her cunt. Looking back lazily, she saw that Apple Fritter and Red Gala were enthusiastically gathering up the cum oozing from her pussy. When they had gotten their fill of it, the two ponies turned and gave each other a cum-swapping kiss as the Delicious brothers mounted both of them from behind. Nearby, Applejack had cleaned up a bit and was hungrily lapping at her brother's cock as it slowly began to come back to life.
Rolling over and rising to her feet again, Twilight sighed contentedly. Her visit to Sweet Apple Acres had been more fun than she'd thought, but it really was time to go. As she trotted away, Applejack raised her head off of Big Mac's cock and yelled out "It sure was nice meetin' yew, Twilight. Y'all come back any time now!"
Picking her way through the raucous orgy, Twilight finally managed to track down Spike. When she finally found him, he was energetically banging away at a tiny pony with a big pink bow that she recalled was named Apple Bloom.
"Spike!" said Twilight with a disapproving frown. "She's way too young to be having sex!"
"So am I!" replied the baby dragon smoothly. "She wanted it! And she's too small to handle any of the other ponies!" he argued as Twilight rolled her eyes.
"I'm almost finished, then we'll go," Spike said as he slapped Apple Bloom's ass, causing the little pony to squeal in delight. The two youngsters continued to go at it wildly until Spike pulled out and started to jerk his scaled cock. Apple Bloom spun around immediately and opened her mouth as Spike threw back his head and gave her a messy facial. When he was done, cum was plastered all along her face and mane and was dripping out of her filled mouth. Even her pink bow was completely covered in the stuff.
Spike barely had time to say goodbye before Twilight's magic whisked him up onto her back. "I'll come visit again!" he cried out after Apple Bloom as the two of them trotted away.
"Come on Twilight, tell me that wasn't fun!" Spike teased as he walked beside the exasperated mare.
"Ugh! We have more important things to worry about than who was right and who was wrong," she snapped. "Now, what's the next thing on the list?"
Shaking his head, Spike checked the parchment he was carrying. "Weather. It says here there's supposed to be a pegasus pony named Rainbow Dash clearing the clouds."
Looking up towards the sky, Twilight observed that the sky was not, in fact, clear of clouds. "Well, she's not doing a very good job, is she?" Twilight quipped.
No sooner had the sarcastic words left her mouth than a rainbow blur crashed into her, sending her tumbling across the road. It was several moments before Twilight realized she had ended up face down in a puddle of dirty water with another pony heaped on top of her. When she heard the pony giggle playfully, it further dawned on her what position they had happened to land in. A rainbow-colored tail hung down over her face, meaning the pony's other end was...
Twilight's head stopped spinning immediately as she felt a rough tongue slurp at her pussy. "Hey, you've been to Sweet Apple Acres, haven't you?"
Caught completely off guard, Twilight could only lie there bewildered. "Wha.... hah?"
The pony on top of her chuckled. "You taste like apples back here!" She took another lick before adding "Oh yeah, I'm Rainbow Dash!"
Finally regaining her composure, Twilight struggled to get out from under the pegasus, but Rainbow Dash refused to co-operate. "What the heck is going on here, get off of me!" Twilight yelled angrily.
Holding her down, Rainbow Dash laughed again. "Uh uh, you aren't going anywhere until I've had some fun with you!" Then, pushing Twilight's hind legs apart even further, she buried herself in the irate mare's pussy.
Determined not to be so easily pulled in to another sexual encounter, Twilight twisted and turned, but Rainbow Dash had her pinned. "Spike!" she cried desperately. "Get this crazy pony off of me!"
Beside them, Spike smiled and shrugged. "Gosh Twilight, what can I do? I'm only a helpless little baby dragon, after all!"
Dash happily pushed her tongue deep into Twilight's slit before flicking it over the mare's sensitive clit. "You can't fool me, you naughty little pony; I can taste the cum in you. I'll bet you're a total slut!" she said as she licked her lips.
Trying one last thing, Twilight asked "Aren't you supposed to be clearing the clouds out of the sky?" but Rainbow Dash just shrugged her off. "Yeah, yeah," the blue pegasus replied. "I'll get it done, just as soon as I'm done with you!"
Twilight tried and failed to stifle a moan as she felt Dash's tongue run along the sensitive lips of her slit again. Resigned to her fate, the mare tried to hide the pleasure she was feeling as she said "Fine, you win."
The spunky pegasus didn't even stop to acknowledge her victim's consent; instead she probed deeper into the unicorn's folds, withdrawing with a large dollop of semen on her tongue. Altough Dash preferred to play with other mares, even she recognized the distinctive taste of the potent seed. "Big Mac really filled you up, didn't he?" she said as she smacked her lips. "I love the taste of freshly-fucked cunt." Once she'd had her fill, Dash jumped off of Twilight.
"Roll over and we can have some real fun, you slutty little pony!" she commanded playfully. Although Twilight told herself she was only going along with this to speed things up, secretly she was eager to see what would happen next, and she obeyed. Turning around, Dash lay down on top of Twilight once more, her blue pussy hanging just above the mare's face as she went back to eating her out.
Hesitating only for a moment, Twilight gave the dripping slit an experimental lick. The taste was enticing, and she soon found herself lapping at it hungrily as she attempted to emulate the technique Dash was using on her. The pegasus began to grind her wet sex against Twilight's mouth, encouraging the inexperienced mare to work harder. Dash's body shook in ecstasy as Twilight's tongue flicked back and forth across her clit.
"Okay, stop, that's enough," moaned Dash, rising and stepping away from Twilight again.
"Umm... are we done?" asked Twilight, feeling disappointed in spite of herself.
Dash laughed. "Of course not, now it's time for the big finish!"
Twilight lay there, curious, as Dash sat down between her hind legs, laying one of them over her body so that the two ponies' wet pussies were in direct contact with one another. Then the pegasus began to gyrate her lower body, grinding her slit against Twilight. "C'mon, do it with me," Dash panted.
The feeling of Dash's privates mashed against her made Twilight burn with pleasure. Awkwardly, she attempted to match her partner's motions. After a little bit of practice, the two ponies had matched their rhythms. They lay together in the middle of the road, twisting and grinding against each other and moaning erotically.
As Dash neared her orgasm, her rubbing became increasingly aggressive. Sitting up and wrapping her front legs around one of Twilight's hind legs, she began to buck violently. Clinging tightly to Twilight's leg, Dash let out a long, erotic moan and beat her wings feverishly as she came hard. Slick lubrication flowed out of her and into her lover's purple fur as she rubbed herself wantonly against her. Biting her lower lip, Twilight had no choice but to lie still as Dash sated herself on top of her.
With one last grunt, Dash stopped shaking and unceremoniously slumped to the ground with her wings fully outstretched. "That... was awesome," she sighed, her eyelids half-closed in exhaustion.
Although Dash's intense orgasm had helped fuel Twilight's own lust, the unicorn was disappointed and annoyed that she hadn't been able to cum as well. In her head, Twilight imagined jumping on top of Dash and using her the same way she had been used, but she was far too reserved to go through with it, let alone admit that she had enjoyed the lesbian lovemaking session at all.
Instead, she stood and, after clearing her throat and regaining her composure, said "I hope you have enough energy left to clear all of these clouds out of the sky," Twilight chastised her.
Dash was completely oblivious in her post-orgasmic bliss, however. "Yeah yeah, I'll do it. Just gimme a little bit," she responded, brushing Twilight off.
It took quite a bit more cajoling, but at last Dash made good on her promise. As boastful as she was, Twilight had to admit that the spunky pegasus was quite skilled. In just moments, the overcast sky was clear as a bell.
Ready to continue on her way, Twilight found Spike loitering nearby with a hard-on in his hand. "I hope you enjoyed the show," she spat at him. The baby dragon blushed and shrugged meekly, but didn't protest as Twilight led the way onward.
As Twilight stepped into the celebration hall, one thing became immediately apparent - the décor was absolutely fabulous. The room was festooned with a cavalcade of colorful ribbons, banners, streamers and flowers, and the golden balustrades had all been polished to a lustrous sparkle. It was a room that was certainly fit for a princess. Spike's mouth hung agape, but his attention was fixed on a different beauty: the unicorn completely absorbed in her selection of ribbons.
Spike was positively drooling over the enchanting pony. "She's beautiful!" Twilight rolled her eyes at the lovestruck dragon.
When Twilight had tried to introduce herself, however, the unicorn politely brushed her off before continuing her work. "Just a moment please, I'm 'in the zone,' as i'twere." Her horn sparkled as she put the finishing touches on the sparkling red bow she was tying to the shining golden column. "Why, Rarity, you are a talent!" she said to herself as she admired her work. All smiles, the charming unicorn then turned to greet her visitors.
It wasn't until that moment that Twilight realized just what an embarrassing state she was in. Her tussle with Rainbow Dash out in the street had left her a complete mess; not only had the muddy water stained her coat and matted her mane, but her fur was still somewhat moist from Dash's feminine juices, and what's more, she stank of sex.
"Oh my stars, darling," Rarity gasped in alarm. "Whatever happened to you??" Before Twilight could think of an excuse, however, she continued with a huff and a flick of her luxurious purple mane. "Wait, I know. It was that dreadful Rainbow Dash, wasn't it? She assaulted you right in the middle of the road, didn't she?"
Twilight responded with an uneasy smile and a shrug. "Oh, don't worry about that," she laughed nervously. "I'm just here to check on the decorations for the banquet, and things seem to be coming along nicely, so I'll just -"
"Oh no no no my dear!" Rarity interrupted her. "This simply will not do at all, come with me at once!"
As much as Twilight was loathe to be delayed yet again, she also realized that she desperately needed to clean up. Giving only a token amount of protest, she allowed the gorgeous unicorn to practically push her out the door and lead her across town to her salon, with the enamored Spike following closely behind them. After a quick bath and makeover, Twilight was feeling much more relaxed than she had been all day.
"I feel so much better now, thank you," Twilight said gratefully as she looked at herself in the large salon mirror. "I am on a schedule, however, and I really have to be going now."
But Rarity wouldn't hear of it. "Nonsense darling, I couldn't possibly let you leave yet!" Twilight gave her a questioning look as she continued. "Let me guess. Rainbow Dash pounced upon you and, thinking only of herself, left you completely unsatisfied." Raising her nose high in the air, the unicorn laid a sympathetic hoof on Twilight. "Don't worry, Rarity has just the thing for you!"
With a sparkle of magic, the top drawer of the cabinet in front of Twilight slid open to reveal the largest assortment of sex toys she had ever seen. Strap-ons, dildos, vibrators of all different sizes, shapes and colors were all laid out neatly before her. Rolling her eyes, Twilight groaned. "Oh no, not you too." Behind her, Spike did his best to suppress his laughter.
"Come now dear, I know how frustrating it is to be left unsatisfied," Rarity said as she looked through her collection. "But we can fix that little problem, can't we? Aha, this will do wonderfully!" Using her magical powers, Rarity levitated a thick double-ended dildo out of the drawer. "I dare say, this will do wonderfully for both of us!"
The rubbery toy flew through the air, one end pointing purposefully towards Twilight's rear. Rarity placed a gentle hoof on her shoulder. "Lift your tail, dear," she instructed. Twilight looked over her shoulder, sizing up the double-ended horsecock dildo and deciding whether she should bolt out of the salon or do as she had been told. To her utter embarrassment, she realized that her pussy had moistened at the thought of letting this pretty unicorn get her off. Twilight lifted her tail obediently, and the dildo slid its way into her waiting slit.
Seeing that her new friend was willing, Rarity nodded in satisfaction before trotting around and standing with her back towards Twilight, then raised her tail to reveal the delicate folds of tender pink pussy and carefully backed up against the other end of the sex toy. As the thick rubber shaft slid into her inch by inch, Rarity let out a series of tiny sighs and moans, culminating in one final cry of satisfaction when her rear end bumped against Twilight's. The two ponies stood together, ass to ass, the double dildo shared equally between them.
Rarity's purple tail flicked against Twilight's flanks provocatively. "Doesn't this feel marvelous, darling? So much better than that brutish Rainbow Dash, I'm sure!" Rarity said as she began to rock back and forth. The dildo worked its way in and out of the pretty mare's pussy, the gentle movements stimulating Twilight at the same time. Twilight bit her lip and found herself matching the Rarity's thrusts and gyrations with her own.
The two ponies could each feel every movement the other made through the shared sex toy, and they soon found their paces quickening as they drove each other to further heights of ecstasy. Twilight allowed herself to be lost in the erotic feeling of this shared masturbation; she pressed back against Rarity as hard as she could, and in turn felt Rarity pressing back against her. The dildo disappeared entirely as the ponies rubbed up against each other. Twilight moaned as she felt her cunt, spread wide around the thick rubber toy, rub directly against Rarity's cunt, stretched around the same shaft.
"Oh yes!" Rarity cried, momentarily losing her ladylike composure. "Rub your ass against me you little pony slut!" Then, remembering herself, she held up her head and gave a small "Ahem!"
It was then that Rarity noticed Spike standing in the corner of the room by himself. The young was attempting hide his massive erection. "Um... h-hi," Spike said dumbly, trying to overcome his embarrassment. Rarity smirked and beckoned him over; with hearts in his eyes, the smitten dragon nearly floated across the room and stood before her.
"If you wanted to join us, dear, why didn't you just say so?" Rarity scolded him. "I'd never leave such a handsome young man out!"
Spike's cheeks burned at the praise, causing Rarity to laugh and bat her eyes in a flirting manner. Then she lowered her head and daintily stole a taste of his salty pre-cum from the tip of his cock. The pony's long tongue snaked out along the underside of Spike's hard member before she moved to take it into her mouth entirely. Spike gripped the sides of Rarity's head and began to fuck her face, not entirely sure that he wasn't dreaming.
Twilight, meanwhile, was still grinding herself against the sex toy and Rarity's ass. She eyed the drawer, still hanging open in front of her, and her gaze fell upon a smaller, smooth rod. Although she'd never used one before, she recognized it as a vibrator. Her unicorn horn began to glow as she tried to focus on lifting it up into the air. Twilight pulled away from Rarity momentarily as the vibrator flew, somewhat shakily, through the air, coming to a rest suspended in between the two ponies. Then Twilight thrust back violently, burying half of the toy in her ass and causing the other half to be pushed into Rarity. Rarity's eyes shot wide open at the unexpected anal intrusion, and she moaned around Spike's cock as the rod began to vibrate.
The double stimulation from the dildo in her pussy and the vibrator in her ass made Twilight's insides churn and her knees weak. "I'm gonna cum!" she cried out. Rarity's mouth was too full to answer, so instead she wiggled her behind against Twilight encouragingly. Lubrication gushed from both of their pussies, mingling together and soaking into each other's fur. The two unicorns came, long and hard, together.
Rarity's mouth clamped down around Spike's cock like a vice while her tongue swirled around the dragon's shaft; she was determined to milk every bit of cum out of him before her own orgasm was finished. Spike grabbed Rarity's horn as he humped the unicorn's hungry mouth. Rarity barely had time to taste his first spurt as it rocketed down her throat. Then her mouth began to fill with the thick, warm fluid. Spike was clasped to her face, panting, as she swallowed it all, careful not to waste even a single drop. When she had sucked him dry, she let his cock slip free and kissed the head tenderly.
After several minutes of passion and lust, Twilight's orgasm began to fade. She felt her legs give out from under her and she collapsed onto the floor. The sex toys slid out of the two mares with a wet *pop*, also falling to the floor. Rarity turned and, lifting the large double dildo back into the air with her magic, began to lick at the juices coating it.
"Oh, what an exquisite taste," Rarity said, licking her lips daintily. "Your juices taste almost as sweet as mine do, dear."
Once Twilight had recovered, Rarity insisted on helping her clean up for a second time. "Please, your delicious little behind is positively drenched," she insisted, and Twilight relented. As Rarity pampered her, Spike approached with his checklist.
"Should I check this one off then?" he asked.
"Check what?" Twilight said, momentarily confused. Then she snapped back to reality. "The checklist! Of course!" She nodded matter-of-factly. "Yes, decorations are coming along just fine I think."
And then it was time to move on. As the two walked out of the salon, Rarity waved after them with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Do come again, both of you! I've got so many bridles that would look simply ravishing on you."
"This day has been a complete disaster," Twilight said in a huff. "We haven't even checked everything off of the list yet, and then we'll barely have any time at all to research the Elements of Harmony!"
"Oh please," Spike said, rolling his eyes. "You can't even pretend you didn't enjoy that last stop. Whose idea was that vibrator again?"
Twilight blushed. "O-of course that wasn't me. Never mind that, what's the last item on our list?"
Music was the last item of business left for her to check on. It wasn't long before they came upon a pink-haired pegasus conducting a birdsong choir. Twilight found herself holding her breath as she introduced herself, fearing that she would be pulled into yet another sexual misadventure, further derailing her quest. To her relief, the pony was so incredibly shy that Twilight could barely drag a name out of her. Nevertheless, the birds seemed more than ready for the Summer Sun Celebration, and Twilight prepared to leave without incident.
Then the shy pegasus saw Spike.
"A baby dragon!" she cried, crashing into Twilight in her haste. "Oh, I've never seen a baby dragon before! He's soooo cute!" she gushed.
"Well, well, well!" Spike said to Twilight smugly.
The pony, who introduced herself as Fluttershy, continued to fawn over the baby dragon as Twilight went to leave. Fluttershy continued to follow the pair.
"Wow, a talking dragon! And what do dragons talk about?"
"Well, what do you wanna know?" Spike asked.
"Absolutely everything!" Fluttershy said. Twilight gagged.
At least I'll get some peace when I reach the library, Twilight thought to herself as she trudged along. She tried to tune out Spike as her chattered away to Fluttershy from on top of her back. Her thoughts drifted back to the threat of Nightmare Moon, and the secret of the Elements of Harmony that she was determined to uncover. Ponyville had not been what she was expecting... although she had to admit to herself, it hadn't really been all that bad...
They reached the library just as Spike's tale was winding down. "Do you want to hear about today?" he said.
"Oh, yes please!" Fluttershy said, her exuberance not having flagged in the slightest.
"No!" cried Twilight in alarm. "Ahaha, I'm sorry, but this is where we'll be staying during our visit to Ponyville, and I really have to put Spike to bed. Bye!" Without even giving Fluttershy a chance to return the goodbye, Twilight zipped into the dark library and slammed the door behind her.
"Spike, the last thing that sweet little pony wants to hear about is all the sex we've had today," said Twilight in a huff. "In fact, you're never to speak of it to anyone ever, got it?"
Suddenly, the lights in the library flicked on, followed immediately by a cacophonous yell of "SURPRISE!" Twilight blinked, taking a moment to realize that the room was filled with ponies. Then she blinked again, further realizing that she was practically surrounded by stallions, all displaying large erections. Twilight barely had time to utter a shocked "What the heck is-" before she was mounted from behind. The stranger put his hooves on her head dominantly, pushing her down onto the floor. The others began to close in around her, helping to hold her down as the well-endowed male pushed himself into Twilight's vulnerable pussy.
Twilight struggled to look up from the floor as a very excited pink pony bounced up to her. "Hi, my name's Pinkie Pie!" said the bubbly pony. "Were ya surprised? Huh huh huh, were ya?!" Pinkie Pie bounced up and down, barely able to contain herself.
"What the - everybody get off me!" Twilight said, struggling futilely.
"But I threw this party just for you!" Pinkie said. "I invited eeeeeverypony in Ponyville so that you'll be able to make lots and lots of friends!"
Twilight scanned the room as best she could from her position on the floor. Sure enough, she recognized several of the ponies in the room. In one corner, Big Mac was laying on the floor while both of his sisters, Applejack and Apple Bloom, gave his huge cock a tongue bath. Rainbow Dash had her face buried in Applejack's behind, her multicolored tail swishing back and forth as she ate the other pony out. Finally, there was Rarity, lubing up the strap-on she was wearing. The entire room was filled with ponies engaged in various sexual pursuits.
Twilight's view was obstructed when one of the stallions sat down on his haunches directly in front of her. Pinkie sat next to him and began to stroke his cock with her two front hooves. "You just sit right there, you naughty little filly. Kinkie Pie is going to get you nice and messy!"
Twilight didn't have much of a choice; she was still pinned to the floor while the stallion on top of her pounded her pussy mercilessly. Pinkie enthusiastically licked and nibbled at the lucky pony's cock as she gave him a hoofjob. When he came, the pink pony gleefully aimed the spurting member right at Twilight's face. Ropes of thick pony cum splattered into her mane, against her forehead and all along her muzzle. When the pony was done cumming, he stood and allowed another virile stallion to take his place.
"This is so much fun, isn't it Twilight Sparkle?" said Pinkie. Twilight started to answer, but began to sputter and cough as another blast of semen unexpectedly flew into her mouth. Pinkie giggled, still stroking the pony cock while it coated Twilight with gooey cum.
While Twilight was receiving her third facial, the stallion mounting her began to buck harder against her and she felt him begin to cum inside of her. When he was done, he dismounted, and Twilight felt another stallion take his place. She moaned in protest, partially objecting to being the focal point of this pony gangbang, and partially because she was starting to enjoy it. When the third deluge of cum stopped spattering against Twilight's soaked face, Pinkie Pie began to lick the cum off of her.
"Mmmmmm, I love cum!" she said between mouthfuls. "Come on Twilight, let's share it, it's delicious!" The pink pony pressed her lips to Twilight's, forcing her tongue into the unicorn's mouth, and a large portion of cum along with it. Pinkie's butt wiggled playfully in the air as she kissed Twilight, attracting the attention of one of the male ponies. When he jumped up on top of her, she giggled into Twilight's mouth and broke the cummy kiss. "Ooooh, now it's my turn? Do me hard!"
Meanwhile, Spike was facing a dilemma. He stroked his chin as he looked back and forth, muttering to himself. "Hmmm, Apple Bloom or Rarity? I wonder if I could get them both at the same time... Waaah!"
Without warning, the dragon was scooped up into the air. It was Fluttershy. "Oh, I'm sorry, Spike," the pegasus said sweetly. "But will you come upstairs with me?" The shy pony was blushing profusely.
Before he could answer, Fluttershy sailed through the room and up the stairs into the bedroom. Setting Spike down gently on the bed, Fluttershy clopped her hooves together in front of her and gave him a shy smile. "Ummm... I wanted some privacy. Do you think we could, um...?" Her voice trailed off as she looked at Spike expectantly. The baby dragon slicked back the green fin on his head; he knew exactly what Fluttershy needed.
Fluttershy stood next to the low bed and turned around, presenting her backside to Spike. Her long pink mane obscured her face as she looked over her shoulder and said "Please be gentle, Spike... it's my first time." Her pink tail flicked to the side, revealing her moist slit. Spike couldn't help but strut as he walked to the edge of the bed. Twilight will go crazy when she hears about what we did in her bed, he thought smugly. Spike rubbed the tip of his erect cock against Fluttershy's opening. Before sticking it in, however, he grabbed the pony's tail and gave it a playful tug, causing her to squeal. Then, still gripping Fluttershy's tail, he began to slide into her.
The virgin pony's pussy was tight, but Spike's cock fit snugly inside. "Oh my," the timid pony said when he had sunk himself all the way in. "It feels... wonderful!" Spike slapped her ass. "Just wait'll I really get started!" he boasted. Then he placed his hands on her soft yellow flanks and began to thrust. Fluttershy raised her ass higher in the air, dipping her head down towards the floor, as she submitted to the tiny dragon. It was just as amazing as she had hoped it would be. Before long, she found herself jerking her hips in time with Spike's movements.
"Are you sure this is your first time? You're great!" Spike said, trying to flatter her.
Fluttershy's cheeks turned red and she gave him a shy smile. "Oh, well... I like to watch the animals in the forest when they... when they... you know." Suddenly she let out a high-pitched squeak. "Oh, right there, Spike! That felt so good!"
"Like this?" Spike said, repeating the thrusting motion he'd just made and hitting Fluttershy's sensitive spot again. The gentle pony pawed at the floor and tried not to moan, but the erotic feelings were getting to be too much for her. Her pegasus wings unfurled and stretched up into the air, and Spike felt her insides milk his cock. Despite her silence, Spike suspected that she was about to cum. He was right.
"What... what's happening?!" Fluttershy asked in alarm as the unfamiliar sensations began to wash through her trembling body. Spike grinned at her naivety, slapping her ass again and redoubling his efforts. Fluttershy's wings flailed and she let out a series of strained moans and squeaks. The forest creatures she'd spied on always seemed to have a great time, but this was much more than she had ever expected. Spike continued to ride the ecstatic pony until she finally collapsed onto the floor.
Wasting no time, Spike jumped down after her and, jerking his cock rapidly, aimed it at the overwhelmed pony. Fluttershy let out an adorable "Eek!" as the dragon began to cum on her face. She barely had time to close her eyes as the first thick line hit the right side of her face. Her pink mane fell down over the left side, and soon it was covered in semen. "Not my mane!" Fluttershy tried to say, but before she could finish Spike shot a powerful spurt of cum right into her mouth, which she swallowed reflexively. Taking the initiative, Spike took a step closer and, grabbing the top of her mane, jammed his cock into her mouth. Fluttershy was confused, but she didn't resist as he delivered the last of his load down her throat.
When spike stepped back, Fluttershy's face was a gooey mess. "Um... did I do okay?" she asked timidly.
"Oh yeah," Spike said breathlessly. "Give me a little bit and I'll show you a few more tricks!" He was far from done with the submissive little pony.
Downstairs, the orgy was still in full swing. Pinkie Pie was straddling one stallion, bouncing up and down on top of him, while she stroked the cock's of two other pony's standing to either side of her. "Ooooh gimme more cum, hurry!" she giggled. Grunting, the two ponies both began to cum, bathing the hyperactive pink pony with white, sticky fluid. "Yummy!" said Pinkie Pie, opening her mouth and trying to catch as much as she could. By the time the two males were done, Pinkie Pie was dripping with cum. They stepped away and two more ponies immediately took their place. Pinkie eagerly began to rub her hooves against their large cocks. Meanwhile, the stallion underneath her thrust his hips upward as he shot his load inside of her.
Beside the Pinkie Pie gangbang, Twilight was no longer being held down. There was no use fighting it anymore, she thought as the tenth pony in a row rutted himself on top of her. She licked a bit of cum off of her lips and looked up at the pony standing in front of her. "Well, what are you waiting for?" she asked him. The stallion answered her by jamming his massive cock into her mouth and fucking her face. Twilight moaned and worked her tongue around his shaft. At the same time, she wiggled her ass against the pony on top of her, encouraging him to pound her harder. The Elements of Harmony were completely forgotten; Twilight felt like a slut and she loved it.
Big Mac lay back against the wall as Applejack and Apple Bloom serviced his massive cock together. The two mares ceased licking and sucking only long enough to give each other a loving sisterly kiss; their tongues swapped Big Mac's pre-cum back and forth as they rubbed against each other.
"Don't you fret, little sugarcube," Applejack said to her sister. "You'll be big enough tah take Big Mac some day, ah promise!"
"That's okay, sis," said Apple Bloom. "Ah can wait." Her pussy dripped as she thought of Spike.
"You two gunna finish this job?" Big Mac asked with a lazy smile. Applejack and Apple Bloom turned back to him. The older pony began to suckle on the head of his cock while the younger pony wrapped her hooves around the shaft and stroked him up and down while kissing and licking it. It didn't take too much longer for him to cum. When she felt his cock begin to bulge in her mouth, Applejack pulled back and allowed him to shower both her and Apple Bloom in cum. When he was spent, the two cum-soaked sisters turned to each other.
"Yer job ain't done yet little sis," Applejack said, sitting back on her haunches and spreading her legs. Big Mac's cum streamed down her body and around the lips of her cunt as Apple Bloom began to lick her tenderly.
Rarity had dragged Rainbow Dash away from Applejack and managed to somehow tie her up with several large, silky ribbons. "Get off me!" Dash protested, but Rarity simply tsk'd. "Dash, you have been such a bad little pony, taking advantage of our new friend Twilight Sparkle like that. Now it's time for your punishment." Dash struggled helplessly as Rarity pounded away at her with her huge rubber strap-on. "And once I'm done with you, maybe I'll let some of the stallions have a turn with you!" she threatened.
The orgy continued long into the night, but eventually all of the ponies wore themselves out. Spike found Twilight lying on her back in the middle of a huge pool of cum, her fur completely matted with the stuff. She sighed at him lazily. "Maybe Ponyville isn't such a bad place after all," she said.
"So what about the Elements of Harmony?" Spike asked her.
Twilight shrugged. "I'm sure there'll be time, the Summer Sun Celebration Banquet is still a few hours away." She eyed Spike up and down. "Where were you this whole time?"
"Uh... nowhere!" Spike said, hoping Twilight wouldn't go upstairs to find the well-fucked Fluttershy passed out in her bed.
Twilight had other plans, however. Her gaze dropped low as she said, "Spike, I'm sorry for the way I treated you today." Then she spread her hind legs. "Wanna let me make it up to you?" she said provocatively.
Spike put his hands on his hips and smiled. Yes, it had been a great day after all.
You should've just sent it to him/her on word (Microsoft) or just made a comic of it in here.
Also, there's actually one at the FA source (F5) that's .PNG and even slightly bigger, which I also just noticed. Damn. That's what you get for acting hastily.
Don't know if it was only just added, but it's a stupid oversight on my part if it was already there, considering I was just gloating about this one being superior to the other upload here. Which it is, but... y'know. Bigger_version_at_the_source still applies. :/
Not that it really matters, the F5'ed one on FA appears to be the exact same image as this but stretched out a bit. I believe the native res is identical.
Danjen said:
FA is crap on so many levels. You'd think they'd have a folder/group submission thing by now. Nope.
Yep, but at least the crappifying can be avoided if the uploader knows what he's doing. It appears Kabier did. :P
neh boring story let me tell you a better one i made up :) We really don't have time for this," Twilight Sparkle hissed under her breath. "Make up an excuse Spike, tell them... you have a stomach ache!"
The baby dragon rolled his eyes. "Twilight," he sighed, "can't you just enjoy yourself for one afternoon? You're supposed to be making new friends."
Twilight Sparkle and Spike had come to Sweet Apple Acres to oversee preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration Banquet. Instead, they had met Applejack, a spunky tomboy of a pony who had immediately gone about introducing them to the entire Apple family before inviting them to a brunch that had turned into a banquet in its own right.
"There'll be plenty of time to make friends AFTER we save Equestria from Nightmare Moon," Twilight responded testily. Rising up from her plate of apple pie, she trotted over to where Applejack was just finishing her own meal. "Listen Applejack, the meal was wonderful, but Spike and I reeeeeally have to be going now."
Applejack looked up from under her large hat and shot a large grin back at her. "Well shucks Miss Twilight, we can't let y'all leave just yet, the fun's just gettin' started!"
Twilight shuffled her hooves uncomfortably, wondering how to extract herself from this situation, when she suddenly realized that the members of the Apple family had all finished their desserts and were now beginning to get a little too playful with each other. Twilight gasped in embarrassment as she saw that Apple Fritter and Red Gala were entwined with each other on the ground with their noses stuck between each other's hind legs. The young mares were completely oblivious to everything around them as they licked each other lovingly.
"Umm... now it's REALLY time for us to go," Twilight said nervously, but Applejack just laughed and gave her a smack on her violet rump. "Nonsense, little lady! It's time we showed y'all just what kinda fun we have here at Sweet Apple Acres!"
Twilight stiffened as Applejack circled around behind her and forwardly pushed her multicolored tail away with her nose, exposing the pony's rear to her tongue. "Oh my gosh!" Twilight exclaimed sharply as she felt Applejack's tongue slither up the length of her sensitive slit. She jumped away skittishly and attempted to cover herself with her tail.
"Don't worry sugar, c'mon and have some fun with us!" Applejack called after Twilight as Red Delicious and Golden Delicious walked up and began nuzzling her. She giggled as the two brothers licked at her neck. "Ah was gonna give Twilight first pick, darlin's, but I guess we need tah show her what she's missin'!"
Twilight's eyes were drawn down to the large erections that Red and Golden were sporting almost against her will. For a moment she pictured one of the boys mounting her from behind and... Twilight quickly pushed the image out of her mind as something else occurred to her. "Wait a minute, Applejack... aren't they your family?"
Applejack had begun to lick the two ponies back, but she flashed Twilight a big smile. "Ah heck, cousin, brother, sister... it's all the same here at Sweet Apple Acres! We're a right close and lovin' family!"
With that Applejack rolled over onto her side and stuck her head underneath Red Delicious's belly. Red lifted one leg off the ground to give Applejack better access as she began to lick along the length of his large shaft. Lapping up the bead of thick pre-cum forming on the head of his cock, she savored the taste before exclaiming "Mmmmm Mm! Sweet as always, cousin!"
Applejack lifted one of her hind legs into the air to allow Golden Delicious access to her wet crotch as she continued to lick her cousin's stiff cock. Golden dove in immediately, his large tongue working eagerly along the lips of her pussy before flicking playfully at her clit, causing Applejack to shudder and moan in delight.
Twilight watched awkwardly as Red Delicious repositioned himself so that his long cock pointed directly at Applejack's face. The blonde pony looked up at him and said "C'mon cousin, gimme all ya got!" before taking the head into her mouth and bobbing back and forth. Red threw back his head and pushed forward, burying more of his cock in Applejack's mouth while she did her best to deepthroat as much of it as she could. Once he'd gotten as far as Applejack could handle, he held it there for a moment as he enjoyed the feeling of the mare's wet mouth squeezing around his cock before reluctantly pulling himself out and allowing her to breathe again. After a quick break, Applejack went back to licking and sucking him with great enthusiasm.
Finally Red cried out "Ah'm gonna cum, cousin!" before once again ramming as much as he could down her throat. Applejack stretched out her long neck to accommodate his length and closed her eyes as Red shot his load of thick pony cum directly into her stomach. When Red was just about done, he pulled out of her throat; a few final spurts of cum shot out into her open mouth, as well as across her freckled face.
Golden Delicious stepped away and licked the sweet juices from his lips as Applejack stood. Twilight began to back away as the blonde pony approached her purposefully, but there was no escape. Applejack forced Twilight into a passionate kiss as she shared the cum she hadn't already swallowed. The kiss lasted only a moment before Twilight jerked back, but to her surprise she found the taste of Red's seed to be... delicious? Twilight hesitantly swallowed what she had in her mouth, feeling very conflicted.
"Welllll... maybe we can stay a little longer," Twilight said as she watched Applejack lick the rest of her cousin's cum off of her lips.
"Ah knew yew'd come around, sugar." Applejack said as she circled around Twilight again.
This time, the purple pony leaned the front of her body down towards the ground while pushing her rump higher into the air and presented herself to Applejack with a flick of her tail. Twilight shuddered and bit her lip as she felt the orange mare's tongue lap up and down the lips of her pussy before pushing its way inside of her.
Applejack moaned with delight and shoved her tongue in deeper as Golden Delicious, not content to just stand by and watch, nuzzled her rear end before jumping up and mounting her. His long cock slid into her easily, and as he began to thrust wildly, Applejack's face was pressed even harder against Twilight's soaked pussy.
After a few minutes, Applejack stopped licking to shout out "C'mon cousin, yew can go faster than that!" Golden Delicious redoubled his efforts as he did his best to pound the horny pony beneath him. "Oh yeah, now yer gettin' in deep!" she sighed.
Twilight felt a twinge of disappointment as Applejack's attention turned entirely to the fucking she was receiving; her dripping cunt burned with desire as she stepped back to watch the horny ponies. Suddenly she felt somebody brush up against her and, turning, found Big McIntosh smiling at her.
Applejack looked up at her, panting. "We ain't gonna leave ya hangin', sugarcube. Yer our guest o' honor, and that means ya get Big Mac!"
Stealing a peek, Twilight saw that Big Mac did indeed live up to his name. He was so well hung, in fact, that the purple pony started to have second thoughts. "Um... I'm not sure if this is a good idea," she said, pawing the ground nervously.
"Aw shucks, Big Mac's real gentle!" Applejack reassured her, punctuating her sentence with a long moan. Nodding towards a nearby tree, she said "Just brace yerself up over yonder and ah promise ya he'll show yew a real good time!"
With butterflies in her stomach, Twilight walked over to the tree and placed her front hooves against its trunk while standing up on her hind legs. Then she shut her eyes and tried not to clench up as Big Mac strutted over to her. The red pony's powerful front legs gripped her torso as he jumped up onto her; Twilight gasped as she felt the head of his massive cock push against her opening. At first it seemed like it wouldn't fit, but with one powerful thrust, Big Mac's massive shaft sunk home.
As Applejack had promised, however, Big Mac started off with slow and gentle, but very deep, thrusts. The stud licked Twilight's long neck tenderly, and soon she began to loosen up as the inexperienced mare found herself quite surprised at how good Big Mac's cock felt sliding in and out of her. Before she knew, she found herself yearning for him to go faster.
"Oh, that feels... really good!" Twilight grunted. "You can, ahhh... you can go faster if you want!"
Big Mac obliged, and his pace began to quicken. Twilight felt the weight of his sturdy body press her against the trunk of the tree and his front legs dig into her sides as he fucked her roughly. Warm juices, a mix of her own lubrication and Big Mac's thick pony cum, ran down her hind legs. Finally, she gave in completely.
"Please fuck me, Big Mac! Harder!" she begged.
Applejack smiled, satisfied to see that her new friend had given in to her pleasure. Then, turning her attention back to her own situation, she said "Let's switch, cousin." Golden Delicious dismounted from her reluctantly; it was only a moment before Applejack had rolled onto her back, however. Her tight pussy, orange on the outside and pink on the inside, was dripping wet as she looked up at him with all four of her legs spread wide. Golden Delicious climbed back on top of her, immediately thrusting the entirety of his long pony cock into his cousin's inviting hole and eliciting a long moan from her as he bent his neck down to lick at her face.
Although Twilight had become lost almost entirely in the rough fucking she was receiving from Big Mac, her eyes opened slightly and she saw Red Delicious standing off to the side, his cock fully erect again as he watched. A naughty thought struck her, and her unicorn horn began to glow slightly. The young pony gasped in surprise as he felt an unexpected pressure run up and down the length of his erection, and Twilight smiled to herself.
"Yer the tightest pony ah've ever had, miss Twilight," Big Mac grunted as he gave her an especially hard thrust, causing her to shudder. Then he added "Except for mah sister of course," as Applejack shot him a look.
The orange pony smiled and winked at her brother. Then she gasped and let out a long moan, wrapping all four of her legs tightly around Golden Delicious to keep him buried deep inside of her as she began to cum. "Fill me up, darlin," she encouraged as the insides of her cunt squeezed his shaft urgently. It was more than the poor pony could take, and Applejack felt his cock bulge slightly as he began to cum. The two ponies shook as they shared a powerful orgasm. Golden Delicious unloaded his thick pony cum into her, and soon it was running down her rump and into her tail as it spilled out of her.
When Golden Delicious was spent, he untangled himself and pulled out, leaving his cousin lying exhausted on the ground with her legs splayed and a big smile on her face. Red Delicious approached her stiffly, groaning as Twilight got him off with her unicorn magic. Applejack turned her head towards him just in time to catch his first massive blast of cum directly in her face. Jet after jet of warm cum sprayed over Applejack, coating her entire body. By the time he was finished, the orange cowpony was dripping head to hoof with the sweet, sticky substance.
Twilight felt herself beginning to go over the edge as well as Big Mac pounded her relentlessly. Sandwiched between the powerful pony and the trunk of the apple tree, she bit her lip and did her best to stay standing as she felt her legs weaken. The situation seemed totally unreal to the bookish mare as she experienced an explosive orgasm. Big Mac continued to thrust deeply, pumping Twilight full of cum as she convulsed uncontrollably underneath him.
When they had both finished, Big Mac pulled out and stepped away as Twilight slumped down against the tree with her tongue lolling out of her mouth. Her hind legs were open wide, exposing her cum-covered and well-fucked backside. At this point, Twilight was beyond caring who saw.
As Twilight recovered her strength, she felt several tongues lap at her cunt. Looking back lazily, she saw that Apple Fritter and Red Gala were enthusiastically gathering up the cum oozing from her pussy. When they had gotten their fill of it, the two ponies turned and gave each other a cum-swapping kiss as the Delicious brothers mounted both of them from behind. Nearby, Applejack had cleaned up a bit and was hungrily lapping at her brother's cock as it slowly began to come back to life.
Rolling over and rising to her feet again, Twilight sighed contentedly. Her visit to Sweet Apple Acres had been more fun than she'd thought, but it really was time to go. As she trotted away, Applejack raised her head off of Big Mac's cock and yelled out "It sure was nice meetin' yew, Twilight. Y'all come back any time now!"
Picking her way through the raucous orgy, Twilight finally managed to track down Spike. When she finally found him, he was energetically banging away at a tiny pony with a big pink bow that she recalled was named Apple Bloom.
"Spike!" said Twilight with a disapproving frown. "She's way too young to be having sex!"
"So am I!" replied the baby dragon smoothly. "She wanted it! And she's too small to handle any of the other ponies!" he argued as Twilight rolled her eyes.
"I'm almost finished, then we'll go," Spike said as he slapped Apple Bloom's ass, causing the little pony to squeal in delight. The two youngsters continued to go at it wildly until Spike pulled out and started to jerk his scaled cock. Apple Bloom spun around immediately and opened her mouth as Spike threw back his head and gave her a messy facial. When he was done, cum was plastered all along her face and mane and was dripping out of her filled mouth. Even her pink bow was completely covered in the stuff.
Spike barely had time to say goodbye before Twilight's magic whisked him up onto her back. "I'll come visit again!" he cried out after Apple Bloom as the two of them trotted away.
"Come on Twilight, tell me that wasn't fun!" Spike teased as he walked beside the exasperated mare.
"Ugh! We have more important things to worry about than who was right and who was wrong," she snapped. "Now, what's the next thing on the list?"
Shaking his head, Spike checked the parchment he was carrying. "Weather. It says here there's supposed to be a pegasus pony named Rainbow Dash clearing the clouds."
Looking up towards the sky, Twilight observed that the sky was not, in fact, clear of clouds. "Well, she's not doing a very good job, is she?" Twilight quipped.
No sooner had the sarcastic words left her mouth than a rainbow blur crashed into her, sending her tumbling across the road. It was several moments before Twilight realized she had ended up face down in a puddle of dirty water with another pony heaped on top of her. When she heard the pony giggle playfully, it further dawned on her what position they had happened to land in. A rainbow-colored tail hung down over her face, meaning the pony's other end was...
Twilight's head stopped spinning immediately as she felt a rough tongue slurp at her pussy. "Hey, you've been to Sweet Apple Acres, haven't you?"
Caught completely off guard, Twilight could only lie there bewildered. "Wha.... hah?"
The pony on top of her chuckled. "You taste like apples back here!" She took another lick before adding "Oh yeah, I'm Rainbow Dash!"
Finally regaining her composure, Twilight struggled to get out from under the pegasus, but Rainbow Dash refused to co-operate. "What the heck is going on here, get off of me!" Twilight yelled angrily.
Holding her down, Rainbow Dash laughed again. "Uh uh, you aren't going anywhere until I've had some fun with you!" Then, pushing Twilight's hind legs apart even further, she buried herself in the irate mare's pussy.
Determined not to be so easily pulled in to another sexual encounter, Twilight twisted and turned, but Rainbow Dash had her pinned. "Spike!" she cried desperately. "Get this crazy pony off of me!"
Beside them, Spike smiled and shrugged. "Gosh Twilight, what can I do? I'm only a helpless little baby dragon, after all!"
Dash happily pushed her tongue deep into Twilight's slit before flicking it over the mare's sensitive clit. "You can't fool me, you naughty little pony; I can taste the cum in you. I'll bet you're a total slut!" she said as she licked her lips.
Trying one last thing, Twilight asked "Aren't you supposed to be clearing the clouds out of the sky?" but Rainbow Dash just shrugged her off. "Yeah, yeah," the blue pegasus replied. "I'll get it done, just as soon as I'm done with you!"
Twilight tried and failed to stifle a moan as she felt Dash's tongue run along the sensitive lips of her slit again. Resigned to her fate, the mare tried to hide the pleasure she was feeling as she said "Fine, you win."
The spunky pegasus didn't even stop to acknowledge her victim's consent; instead she probed deeper into the unicorn's folds, withdrawing with a large dollop of semen on her tongue. Altough Dash preferred to play with other mares, even she recognized the distinctive taste of the potent seed. "Big Mac really filled you up, didn't he?" she said as she smacked her lips. "I love the taste of freshly-fucked cunt." Once she'd had her fill, Dash jumped off of Twilight.
"Roll over and we can have some real fun, you slutty little pony!" she commanded playfully. Although Twilight told herself she was only going along with this to speed things up, secretly she was eager to see what would happen next, and she obeyed. Turning around, Dash lay down on top of Twilight once more, her blue pussy hanging just above the mare's face as she went back to eating her out.
Hesitating only for a moment, Twilight gave the dripping slit an experimental lick. The taste was enticing, and she soon found herself lapping at it hungrily as she attempted to emulate the technique Dash was using on her. The pegasus began to grind her wet sex against Twilight's mouth, encouraging the inexperienced mare to work harder. Dash's body shook in ecstasy as Twilight's tongue flicked back and forth across her clit.
"Okay, stop, that's enough," moaned Dash, rising and stepping away from Twilight again.
"Umm... are we done?" asked Twilight, feeling disappointed in spite of herself.
Dash laughed. "Of course not, now it's time for the big finish!"
Twilight lay there, curious, as Dash sat down between her hind legs, laying one of them over her body so that the two ponies' wet pussies were in direct contact with one another. Then the pegasus began to gyrate her lower body, grinding her slit against Twilight. "C'mon, do it with me," Dash panted.
The feeling of Dash's privates mashed against her made Twilight burn with pleasure. Awkwardly, she attempted to match her partner's motions. After a little bit of practice, the two ponies had matched their rhythms. They lay together in the middle of the road, twisting and grinding against each other and moaning erotically.
As Dash neared her orgasm, her rubbing became increasingly aggressive. Sitting up and wrapping her front legs around one of Twilight's hind legs, she began to buck violently. Clinging tightly to Twilight's leg, Dash let out a long, erotic moan and beat her wings feverishly as she came hard. Slick lubrication flowed out of her and into her lover's purple fur as she rubbed herself wantonly against her. Biting her lower lip, Twilight had no choice but to lie still as Dash sated herself on top of her.
With one last grunt, Dash stopped shaking and unceremoniously slumped to the ground with her wings fully outstretched. "That... was awesome," she sighed, her eyelids half-closed in exhaustion.
Although Dash's intense orgasm had helped fuel Twilight's own lust, the unicorn was disappointed and annoyed that she hadn't been able to cum as well. In her head, Twilight imagined jumping on top of Dash and using her the same way she had been used, but she was far too reserved to go through with it, let alone admit that she had enjoyed the lesbian lovemaking session at all.
Instead, she stood and, after clearing her throat and regaining her composure, said "I hope you have enough energy left to clear all of these clouds out of the sky," Twilight chastised her.
Dash was completely oblivious in her post-orgasmic bliss, however. "Yeah yeah, I'll do it. Just gimme a little bit," she responded, brushing Twilight off.
It took quite a bit more cajoling, but at last Dash made good on her promise. As boastful as she was, Twilight had to admit that the spunky pegasus was quite skilled. In just moments, the overcast sky was clear as a bell.
Ready to continue on her way, Twilight found Spike loitering nearby with a hard-on in his hand. "I hope you enjoyed the show," she spat at him. The baby dragon blushed and shrugged meekly, but didn't protest as Twilight led the way onward.
As Twilight stepped into the celebration hall, one thing became immediately apparent - the décor was absolutely fabulous. The room was festooned with a cavalcade of colorful ribbons, banners, streamers and flowers, and the golden balustrades had all been polished to a lustrous sparkle. It was a room that was certainly fit for a princess. Spike's mouth hung agape, but his attention was fixed on a different beauty: the unicorn completely absorbed in her selection of ribbons.
Spike was positively drooling over the enchanting pony. "She's beautiful!" Twilight rolled her eyes at the lovestruck dragon.
When Twilight had tried to introduce herself, however, the unicorn politely brushed her off before continuing her work. "Just a moment please, I'm 'in the zone,' as i'twere." Her horn sparkled as she put the finishing touches on the sparkling red bow she was tying to the shining golden column. "Why, Rarity, you are a talent!" she said to herself as she admired her work. All smiles, the charming unicorn then turned to greet her visitors.
It wasn't until that moment that Twilight realized just what an embarrassing state she was in. Her tussle with Rainbow Dash out in the street had left her a complete mess; not only had the muddy water stained her coat and matted her mane, but her fur was still somewhat moist from Dash's feminine juices, and what's more, she stank of sex.
"Oh my stars, darling," Rarity gasped in alarm. "Whatever happened to you??" Before Twilight could think of an excuse, however, she continued with a huff and a flick of her luxurious purple mane. "Wait, I know. It was that dreadful Rainbow Dash, wasn't it? She assaulted you right in the middle of the road, didn't she?"
Twilight responded with an uneasy smile and a shrug. "Oh, don't worry about that," she laughed nervously. "I'm just here to check on the decorations for the banquet, and things seem to be coming along nicely, so I'll just -"
"Oh no no no my dear!" Rarity interrupted her. "This simply will not do at all, come with me at once!"
As much as Twilight was loathe to be delayed yet again, she also realized that she desperately needed to clean up. Giving only a token amount of protest, she allowed the gorgeous unicorn to practically push her out the door and lead her across town to her salon, with the enamored Spike following closely behind them. After a quick bath and makeover, Twilight was feeling much more relaxed than she had been all day.
"I feel so much better now, thank you," Twilight said gratefully as she looked at herself in the large salon mirror. "I am on a schedule, however, and I really have to be going now."
But Rarity wouldn't hear of it. "Nonsense darling, I couldn't possibly let you leave yet!" Twilight gave her a questioning look as she continued. "Let me guess. Rainbow Dash pounced upon you and, thinking only of herself, left you completely unsatisfied." Raising her nose high in the air, the unicorn laid a sympathetic hoof on Twilight. "Don't worry, Rarity has just the thing for you!"
With a sparkle of magic, the top drawer of the cabinet in front of Twilight slid open to reveal the largest assortment of sex toys she had ever seen. Strap-ons, dildos, vibrators of all different sizes, shapes and colors were all laid out neatly before her. Rolling her eyes, Twilight groaned. "Oh no, not you too." Behind her, Spike did his best to suppress his laughter.
"Come now dear, I know how frustrating it is to be left unsatisfied," Rarity said as she looked through her collection. "But we can fix that little problem, can't we? Aha, this will do wonderfully!" Using her magical powers, Rarity levitated a thick double-ended dildo out of the drawer. "I dare say, this will do wonderfully for both of us!"
The rubbery toy flew through the air, one end pointing purposefully towards Twilight's rear. Rarity placed a gentle hoof on her shoulder. "Lift your tail, dear," she instructed. Twilight looked over her shoulder, sizing up the double-ended horsecock dildo and deciding whether she should bolt out of the salon or do as she had been told. To her utter embarrassment, she realized that her pussy had moistened at the thought of letting this pretty unicorn get her off. Twilight lifted her tail obediently, and the dildo slid its way into her waiting slit.
Seeing that her new friend was willing, Rarity nodded in satisfaction before trotting around and standing with her back towards Twilight, then raised her tail to reveal the delicate folds of tender pink pussy and carefully backed up against the other end of the sex toy. As the thick rubber shaft slid into her inch by inch, Rarity let out a series of tiny sighs and moans, culminating in one final cry of satisfaction when her rear end bumped against Twilight's. The two ponies stood together, ass to ass, the double dildo shared equally between them.
Rarity's purple tail flicked against Twilight's flanks provocatively. "Doesn't this feel marvelous, darling? So much better than that brutish Rainbow Dash, I'm sure!" Rarity said as she began to rock back and forth. The dildo worked its way in and out of the pretty mare's pussy, the gentle movements stimulating Twilight at the same time. Twilight bit her lip and found herself matching the Rarity's thrusts and gyrations with her own.
The two ponies could each feel every movement the other made through the shared sex toy, and they soon found their paces quickening as they drove each other to further heights of ecstasy. Twilight allowed herself to be lost in the erotic feeling of this shared masturbation; she pressed back against Rarity as hard as she could, and in turn felt Rarity pressing back against her. The dildo disappeared entirely as the ponies rubbed up against each other. Twilight moaned as she felt her cunt, spread wide around the thick rubber toy, rub directly against Rarity's cunt, stretched around the same shaft.
"Oh yes!" Rarity cried, momentarily losing her ladylike composure. "Rub your ass against me you little pony slut!" Then, remembering herself, she held up her head and gave a small "Ahem!"
It was then that Rarity noticed Spike standing in the corner of the room by himself. The young was attempting hide his massive erection. "Um... h-hi," Spike said dumbly, trying to overcome his embarrassment. Rarity smirked and beckoned him over; with hearts in his eyes, the smitten dragon nearly floated across the room and stood before her.
"If you wanted to join us, dear, why didn't you just say so?" Rarity scolded him. "I'd never leave such a handsome young man out!"
Spike's cheeks burned at the praise, causing Rarity to laugh and bat her eyes in a flirting manner. Then she lowered her head and daintily stole a taste of his salty pre-cum from the tip of his cock. The pony's long tongue snaked out along the underside of Spike's hard member before she moved to take it into her mouth entirely. Spike gripped the sides of Rarity's head and began to fuck her face, not entirely sure that he wasn't dreaming.
Twilight, meanwhile, was still grinding herself against the sex toy and Rarity's ass. She eyed the drawer, still hanging open in front of her, and her gaze fell upon a smaller, smooth rod. Although she'd never used one before, she recognized it as a vibrator. Her unicorn horn began to glow as she tried to focus on lifting it up into the air. Twilight pulled away from Rarity momentarily as the vibrator flew, somewhat shakily, through the air, coming to a rest suspended in between the two ponies. Then Twilight thrust back violently, burying half of the toy in her ass and causing the other half to be pushed into Rarity. Rarity's eyes shot wide open at the unexpected anal intrusion, and she moaned around Spike's cock as the rod began to vibrate.
The double stimulation from the dildo in her pussy and the vibrator in her ass made Twilight's insides churn and her knees weak. "I'm gonna cum!" she cried out. Rarity's mouth was too full to answer, so instead she wiggled her behind against Twilight encouragingly. Lubrication gushed from both of their pussies, mingling together and soaking into each other's fur. The two unicorns came, long and hard, together.
Rarity's mouth clamped down around Spike's cock like a vice while her tongue swirled around the dragon's shaft; she was determined to milk every bit of cum out of him before her own orgasm was finished. Spike grabbed Rarity's horn as he humped the unicorn's hungry mouth. Rarity barely had time to taste his first spurt as it rocketed down her throat. Then her mouth began to fill with the thick, warm fluid. Spike was clasped to her face, panting, as she swallowed it all, careful not to waste even a single drop. When she had sucked him dry, she let his cock slip free and kissed the head tenderly.
After several minutes of passion and lust, Twilight's orgasm began to fade. She felt her legs give out from under her and she collapsed onto the floor. The sex toys slid out of the two mares with a wet *pop*, also falling to the floor. Rarity turned and, lifting the large double dildo back into the air with her magic, began to lick at the juices coating it.
"Oh, what an exquisite taste," Rarity said, licking her lips daintily. "Your juices taste almost as sweet as mine do, dear."
Once Twilight had recovered, Rarity insisted on helping her clean up for a second time. "Please, your delicious little behind is positively drenched," she insisted, and Twilight relented. As Rarity pampered her, Spike approached with his checklist.
"Should I check this one off then?" he asked.
"Check what?" Twilight said, momentarily confused. Then she snapped back to reality. "The checklist! Of course!" She nodded matter-of-factly. "Yes, decorations are coming along just fine I think."
And then it was time to move on. As the two walked out of the salon, Rarity waved after them with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Do come again, both of you! I've got so many bridles that would look simply ravishing on you."
"This day has been a complete disaster," Twilight said in a huff. "We haven't even checked everything off of the list yet, and then we'll barely have any time at all to research the Elements of Harmony!"
"Oh please," Spike said, rolling his eyes. "You can't even pretend you didn't enjoy that last stop. Whose idea was that vibrator again?"
Twilight blushed. "O-of course that wasn't me. Never mind that, what's the last item on our list?"
Music was the last item of business left for her to check on. It wasn't long before they came upon a pink-haired pegasus conducting a birdsong choir. Twilight found herself holding her breath as she introduced herself, fearing that she would be pulled into yet another sexual misadventure, further derailing her quest. To her relief, the pony was so incredibly shy that Twilight could barely drag a name out of her. Nevertheless, the birds seemed more than ready for the Summer Sun Celebration, and Twilight prepared to leave without incident.
Then the shy pegasus saw Spike.
"A baby dragon!" she cried, crashing into Twilight in her haste. "Oh, I've never seen a baby dragon before! He's soooo cute!" she gushed.
"Well, well, well!" Spike said to Twilight smugly.
The pony, who introduced herself as Fluttershy, continued to fawn over the baby dragon as Twilight went to leave. Fluttershy continued to follow the pair.
"Wow, a talking dragon! And what do dragons talk about?"
"Well, what do you wanna know?" Spike asked.
"Absolutely everything!" Fluttershy said. Twilight gagged.
At least I'll get some peace when I reach the library, Twilight thought to herself as she trudged along. She tried to tune out Spike as her chattered away to Fluttershy from on top of her back. Her thoughts drifted back to the threat of Nightmare Moon, and the secret of the Elements of Harmony that she was determined to uncover. Ponyville had not been what she was expecting... although she had to admit to herself, it hadn't really been all that bad...
They reached the library just as Spike's tale was winding down. "Do you want to hear about today?" he said.
"Oh, yes please!" Fluttershy said, her exuberance not having flagged in the slightest.
"No!" cried Twilight in alarm. "Ahaha, I'm sorry, but this is where we'll be staying during our visit to Ponyville, and I really have to put Spike to bed. Bye!" Without even giving Fluttershy a chance to return the goodbye, Twilight zipped into the dark library and slammed the door behind her.
"Spike, the last thing that sweet little pony wants to hear about is all the sex we've had today," said Twilight in a huff. "In fact, you're never to speak of it to anyone ever, got it?"
Suddenly, the lights in the library flicked on, followed immediately by a cacophonous yell of "SURPRISE!" Twilight blinked, taking a moment to realize that the room was filled with ponies. Then she blinked again, further realizing that she was practically surrounded by stallions, all displaying large erections. Twilight barely had time to utter a shocked "What the heck is-" before she was mounted from behind. The stranger put his hooves on her head dominantly, pushing her down onto the floor. The others began to close in around her, helping to hold her down as the well-endowed male pushed himself into Twilight's vulnerable pussy.
Twilight struggled to look up from the floor as a very excited pink pony bounced up to her. "Hi, my name's Pinkie Pie!" said the bubbly pony. "Were ya surprised? Huh huh huh, were ya?!" Pinkie Pie bounced up and down, barely able to contain herself.
"What the - everybody get off me!" Twilight said, struggling futilely.
"But I threw this party just for you!" Pinkie said. "I invited eeeeeverypony in Ponyville so that you'll be able to make lots and lots of friends!"
Twilight scanned the room as best she could from her position on the floor. Sure enough, she recognized several of the ponies in the room. In one corner, Big Mac was laying on the floor while both of his sisters, Applejack and Apple Bloom, gave his huge cock a tongue bath. Rainbow Dash had her face buried in Applejack's behind, her multicolored tail swishing back and forth as she ate the other pony out. Finally, there was Rarity, lubing up the strap-on she was wearing. The entire room was filled with ponies engaged in various sexual pursuits.
Twilight's view was obstructed when one of the stallions sat down on his haunches directly in front of her. Pinkie sat next to him and began to stroke his cock with her two front hooves. "You just sit right there, you naughty little filly. Kinkie Pie is going to get you nice and messy!"
Twilight didn't have much of a choice; she was still pinned to the floor while the stallion on top of her pounded her pussy mercilessly. Pinkie enthusiastically licked and nibbled at the lucky pony's cock as she gave him a hoofjob. When he came, the pink pony gleefully aimed the spurting member right at Twilight's face. Ropes of thick pony cum splattered into her mane, against her forehead and all along her muzzle. When the pony was done cumming, he stood and allowed another virile stallion to take his place.
"This is so much fun, isn't it Twilight Sparkle?" said Pinkie. Twilight started to answer, but began to sputter and cough as another blast of semen unexpectedly flew into her mouth. Pinkie giggled, still stroking the pony cock while it coated Twilight with gooey cum.
While Twilight was receiving her third facial, the stallion mounting her began to buck harder against her and she felt him begin to cum inside of her. When he was done, he dismounted, and Twilight felt another stallion take his place. She moaned in protest, partially objecting to being the focal point of this pony gangbang, and partially because she was starting to enjoy it. When the third deluge of cum stopped spattering against Twilight's soaked face, Pinkie Pie began to lick the cum off of her.
"Mmmmmm, I love cum!" she said between mouthfuls. "Come on Twilight, let's share it, it's delicious!" The pink pony pressed her lips to Twilight's, forcing her tongue into the unicorn's mouth, and a large portion of cum along with it. Pinkie's butt wiggled playfully in the air as she kissed Twilight, attracting the attention of one of the male ponies. When he jumped up on top of her, she giggled into Twilight's mouth and broke the cummy kiss. "Ooooh, now it's my turn? Do me hard!"
Meanwhile, Spike was facing a dilemma. He stroked his chin as he looked back and forth, muttering to himself. "Hmmm, Apple Bloom or Rarity? I wonder if I could get them both at the same time... Waaah!"
Without warning, the dragon was scooped up into the air. It was Fluttershy. "Oh, I'm sorry, Spike," the pegasus said sweetly. "But will you come upstairs with me?" The shy pony was blushing profusely.
Before he could answer, Fluttershy sailed through the room and up the stairs into the bedroom. Setting Spike down gently on the bed, Fluttershy clopped her hooves together in front of her and gave him a shy smile. "Ummm... I wanted some privacy. Do you think we could, um...?" Her voice trailed off as she looked at Spike expectantly. The baby dragon slicked back the green fin on his head; he knew exactly what Fluttershy needed.
Fluttershy stood next to the low bed and turned around, presenting her backside to Spike. Her long pink mane obscured her face as she looked over her shoulder and said "Please be gentle, Spike... it's my first time." Her pink tail flicked to the side, revealing her moist slit. Spike couldn't help but strut as he walked to the edge of the bed. Twilight will go crazy when she hears about what we did in her bed, he thought smugly. Spike rubbed the tip of his erect cock against Fluttershy's opening. Before sticking it in, however, he grabbed the pony's tail and gave it a playful tug, causing her to squeal. Then, still gripping Fluttershy's tail, he began to slide into her.
The virgin pony's pussy was tight, but Spike's cock fit snugly inside. "Oh my," the timid pony said when he had sunk himself all the way in. "It feels... wonderful!" Spike slapped her ass. "Just wait'll I really get started!" he boasted. Then he placed his hands on her soft yellow flanks and began to thrust. Fluttershy raised her ass higher in the air, dipping her head down towards the floor, as she submitted to the tiny dragon. It was just as amazing as she had hoped it would be. Before long, she found herself jerking her hips in time with Spike's movements.
"Are you sure this is your first time? You're great!" Spike said, trying to flatter her.
Fluttershy's cheeks turned red and she gave him a shy smile. "Oh, well... I like to watch the animals in the forest when they... when they... you know." Suddenly she let out a high-pitched squeak. "Oh, right there, Spike! That felt so good!"
"Like this?" Spike said, repeating the thrusting motion he'd just made and hitting Fluttershy's sensitive spot again. The gentle pony pawed at the floor and tried not to moan, but the erotic feelings were getting to be too much for her. Her pegasus wings unfurled and stretched up into the air, and Spike felt her insides milk his cock. Despite her silence, Spike suspected that she was about to cum. He was right.
"What... what's happening?!" Fluttershy asked in alarm as the unfamiliar sensations began to wash through her trembling body. Spike grinned at her naivety, slapping her ass again and redoubling his efforts. Fluttershy's wings flailed and she let out a series of strained moans and squeaks. The forest creatures she'd spied on always seemed to have a great time, but this was much more than she had ever expected. Spike continued to ride the ecstatic pony until she finally collapsed onto the floor.
Wasting no time, Spike jumped down after her and, jerking his cock rapidly, aimed it at the overwhelmed pony. Fluttershy let out an adorable "Eek!" as the dragon began to cum on her face. She barely had time to close her eyes as the first thick line hit the right side of her face. Her pink mane fell down over the left side, and soon it was covered in semen. "Not my mane!" Fluttershy tried to say, but before she could finish Spike shot a powerful spurt of cum right into her mouth, which she swallowed reflexively. Taking the initiative, Spike took a step closer and, grabbing the top of her mane, jammed his cock into her mouth. Fluttershy was confused, but she didn't resist as he delivered the last of his load down her throat.
When spike stepped back, Fluttershy's face was a gooey mess. "Um... did I do okay?" she asked timidly.
"Oh yeah," Spike said breathlessly. "Give me a little bit and I'll show you a few more tricks!" He was far from done with the submissive little pony.
Downstairs, the orgy was still in full swing. Pinkie Pie was straddling one stallion, bouncing up and down on top of him, while she stroked the cock's of two other pony's standing to either side of her. "Ooooh gimme more cum, hurry!" she giggled. Grunting, the two ponies both began to cum, bathing the hyperactive pink pony with white, sticky fluid. "Yummy!" said Pinkie Pie, opening her mouth and trying to catch as much as she could. By the time the two males were done, Pinkie Pie was dripping with cum. They stepped away and two more ponies immediately took their place. Pinkie eagerly began to rub her hooves against their large cocks. Meanwhile, the stallion underneath her thrust his hips upward as he shot his load inside of her.
Beside the Pinkie Pie gangbang, Twilight was no longer being held down. There was no use fighting it anymore, she thought as the tenth pony in a row rutted himself on top of her. She licked a bit of cum off of her lips and looked up at the pony standing in front of her. "Well, what are you waiting for?" she asked him. The stallion answered her by jamming his massive cock into her mouth and fucking her face. Twilight moaned and worked her tongue around his shaft. At the same time, she wiggled her ass against the pony on top of her, encouraging him to pound her harder. The Elements of Harmony were completely forgotten; Twilight felt like a slut and she loved it.
Big Mac lay back against the wall as Applejack and Apple Bloom serviced his massive cock together. The two mares ceased licking and sucking only long enough to give each other a loving sisterly kiss; their tongues swapped Big Mac's pre-cum back and forth as they rubbed against each other.
"Don't you fret, little sugarcube," Applejack said to her sister. "You'll be big enough tah take Big Mac some day, ah promise!"
"That's okay, sis," said Apple Bloom. "Ah can wait." Her pussy dripped as she thought of Spike.
"You two gunna finish this job?" Big Mac asked with a lazy smile. Applejack and Apple Bloom turned back to him. The older pony began to suckle on the head of his cock while the younger pony wrapped her hooves around the shaft and stroked him up and down while kissing and licking it. It didn't take too much longer for him to cum. When she felt his cock begin to bulge in her mouth, Applejack pulled back and allowed him to shower both her and Apple Bloom in cum. When he was spent, the two cum-soaked sisters turned to each other.
"Yer job ain't done yet little sis," Applejack said, sitting back on her haunches and spreading her legs. Big Mac's cum streamed down her body and around the lips of her cunt as Apple Bloom began to lick her tenderly.
Rarity had dragged Rainbow Dash away from Applejack and managed to somehow tie her up with several large, silky ribbons. "Get off me!" Dash protested, but Rarity simply tsk'd. "Dash, you have been such a bad little pony, taking advantage of our new friend Twilight Sparkle like that. Now it's time for your punishment." Dash struggled helplessly as Rarity pounded away at her with her huge rubber strap-on. "And once I'm done with you, maybe I'll let some of the stallions have a turn with you!" she threatened.
The orgy continued long into the night, but eventually all of the ponies wore themselves out. Spike found Twilight lying on her back in the middle of a huge pool of cum, her fur completely matted with the stuff. She sighed at him lazily. "Maybe Ponyville isn't such a bad place after all," she said.
"So what about the Elements of Harmony?" Spike asked her.
Twilight shrugged. "I'm sure there'll be time, the Summer Sun Celebration Banquet is still a few hours away." She eyed Spike up and down. "Where were you this whole time?"
"Uh... nowhere!" Spike said, hoping Twilight wouldn't go upstairs to find the well-fucked Fluttershy passed out in her bed.
Twilight had other plans, however. Her gaze dropped low as she said, "Spike, I'm sorry for the way I treated you today." Then she spread her hind legs. "Wanna let me make it up to you?" she said provocatively.
Spike put his hands on his hips and smiled. Yes, it had been a great day after all.
Kattlarv said:
Le do'h. I have far too easy to trail off xD
Sorry in advance for wall of text. Do appreciate that you have the patience and capacity to get through most ones so far.That you may. Just keep in mind what said. You seem to make a lot of "my logic" acts as said, along with "all or nothing!". There are more ways than one you know. I think that might be the most important thing you should work on. Just to exaggerate a bit, but if you hava "I heav dik... - Oh mai! I must suk it!" moment in a story, don't dismissively scoff at people seeing it as flat, it IS flat. I don't care if it was "the only way" you could do it, it still doesn't make it any less flat :P An excuse does not justify us to like something because you say so.
(and as for "using rl logic", it is more that you never really USE it. It's a bit hard to believe you do on a deeper level when your usual response is going "Yeah I know.", then keep doing the opposite xP)And to respond to the "light teasing": For it being supposed to "make you laugh", going with the context and how both reacts, again, this will be a slight exaggeration, but it's a bit like if when Spike went out late at night, he got jumped and brutally gang raped by a bunch of mares, making sure they were the only to get off, forcing him to swallow their jizz along with coating him in it, alternatively also raping him till his cock was bruised and sore, leaving him battered and bleeding. And then suddenly like: Cheerilee or maybe Pony Joe shows up! Great, they will help Spike we think, but no, they whip out a feeldoe/their cock and start ramming spike up the ass as he wails when his virgin ass ruptures. And then we get a "oh come on guys! you are supposed to laugh! It's funny because he thought he was going to get help, and instead they tear him a new one!" Know that's rather excessive, but going with the very odd and juvenile acting at the start, Lunas odd reaction to it, and the final act of her, along with Celestias response, it just feels rather out of place. Again, it also features "lessons" (or/and acts/speeches) that the seemingly entirely wrong person is taught or exposed to. And there's been a few of those things in DYO. Where we are "supposed to feel x", but it hasn't really felt like there was any reason for us to do so, or for the character to ex: cry. Anyhow, I'm sorry that I haven't been able to give many, or thorough explanations why I think x has been y. Have wanted too, but sadly it's far from a strong point of mine.
And the "Spike didn't get punished" part: For this, I mostly have to agree on their part. That, yes, Spike got very minor flak in it, but it was HOW he did it that didn't make it count. He basically cried BECAUSE he was "caught" so to say, and for not getting sex, or was praised for it more or less. He never seems sorry for hurting Twilight, he was sorry for that her being upset at him, made HIM feel bad. It was always only about HIS feelings. He only felt sorry for himself. That, and literally everything was fixed by others, not him. Everyone had to take the step, do his part and say they were sorry and excuse themselves to him. His actual efforts were minimal, and in the end, he was rewarded for being a selfish douche.
Everyone apologized to him, promised they would change and do all the work for him so he wouldn't have to get off his ass and do anything himself and he was ultimately just rewarded for all he did. As said before, it's a bit "be a selfish douche, women will fix all your problem for you." As said, that is a bit where the story/logic/personality clashes. His actions doesn't add up with everyone's overall reasoning, nor the story as a whole. The movie "Pirates" does rather well in having random, generic porn scenes thrown in, yet that doesn't mess up the flow of the story or break character for the sake of porn. If you insist on using canon chars, paying a little more attention to that doesn't hurt.
As for Mac bucking him, that part barely counts as 1: Spike is not phased the least, or seem to care at all by being kicked. At most, he's all "oh you" at Mac. 2: That part also contained the pulled out of the arse exposition dump, said by entirely the wrong characters. It again just ultimately praises Spike, and how right he was in all he did all along, and how it's everyone else that has to take any slander, because Spike can't be bad-mouthed against. And "out of character" to most is when it feels like something the character shouldn't be, or that they act out of the ordinary. And that was done quite a lot in DYO xP
And I did give you the benefit of the doubt, multiple times. You still ended up not writing a very seeming fitting matriarchal Equestria, as all that was ever shown, was our patriarchal human societal norms and stereotypes. And no female character really ever broke much of any of the porn gender norms, along with having very similar personality sex wise.
It's more how weakly it's presented as Equestria in the comic. About everyone's PoV is angled to be beneficial to Spike, without him having to do much of anything back. About all are "submissive" per say. And tbh, like said: I actually think this comic was a cause to many starting to hate spike. As said, I know my respect for him dropped notably due to this.
I will agree though that it wasn't rape with AB, but it was... reckless I guess is the best term. But the problem I had with that he again, seemed sorry for that his act got him in trouble, not that it hurt AB slightly. That, and it seemed like his "making up for it" consisted of him getting a blowjob afterwards so that she could "apologize" to him for letting herself feel uncomfortable during her first time... That, and that he was quiet a douche during the sex itself. (demanding that she swallow his sperm, or else he won't pleasure her. No female ever gives any demands or the like on him, ever. Luna gets the closest, and is the most unique in that sense, but she partially falls short as she ultimately only was out after pleasuring Spike so that she could show that she made him ejaculate.) Again, Spike has been the only character to be demanding, selfish and to get special attention, graphic and content wise. (like the internal cumshots, no mare gets those) He's the only to get praised (with one technical exception of him commenting on how tight Twi is if I recall right, but could have been done better if he complimented on her strong muscles, or any characters taste or looks or anything.) as a whole. There is a very distinct "him" vs "them" in this.
Though, I can agree to a degree that I can see why you'd get annoyed at people constantly "pointing stuff out". I think though that it might be something to do that you often can seem to come off as it makes "total full sense, and anyone who can't see that is wrong/dumb" to people. As they don't "get it". But like said, that kinda falls down to that just because it makes sense to you, doesn't mean it has to everyone else. And again: My only really "requirement" is that you'd be able to see this story genderbent with the same storyline (slight alteration to certain acts to fit genders, such as fellatio to cunnilingus) and overall identical acts. It this would fail as things suddenly "not making sense", (with rare exceptions such as few, few biological ones) I would say that then there'd be a problem in the story. If you can however see this story work fully with a role reversal of genders, then it fully works as a basic story to me. But lastly: Keep in mind "plot convenience" is not a totally valid substitute for IC or story xD(thanks for the script btw AS xP)
okay. thanks for your dedication = )
Le do'h. I have far too easy to trail off xD
Sorry in advance for wall of text. Do appreciate that you have the patience and capacity to get through most ones so far.
TwilightStormshi said:...
That you may. Just keep in mind what said. You seem to make a lot of "my logic" acts as said, along with "all or nothing!". There are more ways than one you know. I think that might be the most important thing you should work on. Just to exaggerate a bit, but if you hava "I heav dik... - Oh mai! I must suk it!" moment in a story, don't dismissively scoff at people seeing it as flat, it IS flat. I don't care if it was "the only way" you could do it, it still doesn't make it any less flat :P An excuse does not justify us to like something because you say so.
(and as for "using rl logic", it is more that you never really USE it. It's a bit hard to believe you do on a deeper level when your usual response is going "Yeah I know.", then keep doing the opposite xP)
And to respond to the "light teasing": For it being supposed to "make you laugh", going with the context and how both reacts, again, this will be a slight exaggeration, but it's a bit like if when Spike went out late at night, he got jumped and brutally gang raped by a bunch of mares, making sure they were the only to get off, forcing him to swallow their jizz along with coating him in it, alternatively also raping him till his cock was bruised and sore, leaving him battered and bleeding. And then suddenly like: Cheerilee or maybe Pony Joe shows up! Great, they will help Spike we think, but no, they whip out a feeldoe/their cock and start ramming spike up the ass as he wails when his virgin ass ruptures. And then we get a "oh come on guys! you are supposed to laugh! It's funny because he thought he was going to get help, and instead they tear him a new one!" Know that's rather excessive, but going with the very odd and juvenile acting at the start, Lunas odd reaction to it, and the final act of her, along with Celestias response, it just feels rather out of place. Again, it also features "lessons" (or/and acts/speeches) that the seemingly entirely wrong person is taught or exposed to. And there's been a few of those things in DYO. Where we are "supposed to feel x", but it hasn't really felt like there was any reason for us to do so, or for the character to ex: cry. Anyhow, I'm sorry that I haven't been able to give many, or thorough explanations why I think x has been y. Have wanted too, but sadly it's far from a strong point of mine.
And the "Spike didn't get punished" part: For this, I mostly have to agree on their part. That, yes, Spike got very minor flak in it, but it was HOW he did it that didn't make it count. He basically cried BECAUSE he was "caught" so to say, and for not getting sex, or was praised for it more or less. He never seems sorry for hurting Twilight, he was sorry for that her being upset at him, made HIM feel bad. It was always only about HIS feelings. He only felt sorry for himself. That, and literally everything was fixed by others, not him. Everyone had to take the step, do his part and say they were sorry and excuse themselves to him. His actual efforts were minimal, and in the end, he was rewarded for being a selfish douche.
Everyone apologized to him, promised they would change and do all the work for him so he wouldn't have to get off his ass and do anything himself and he was ultimately just rewarded for all he did. As said before, it's a bit "be a selfish douche, women will fix all your problem for you." As said, that is a bit where the story/logic/personality clashes. His actions doesn't add up with everyone's overall reasoning, nor the story as a whole. The movie "Pirates" does rather well in having random, generic porn scenes thrown in, yet that doesn't mess up the flow of the story or break character for the sake of porn. If you insist on using canon chars, paying a little more attention to that doesn't hurt.
As for Mac bucking him, that part barely counts as 1: Spike is not phased the least, or seem to care at all by being kicked. At most, he's all "oh you" at Mac. 2: That part also contained the pulled out of the arse exposition dump, said by entirely the wrong characters. It again just ultimately praises Spike, and how right he was in all he did all along, and how it's everyone else that has to take any slander, because Spike can't be bad-mouthed against. And "out of character" to most is when it feels like something the character shouldn't be, or that they act out of the ordinary. And that was done quite a lot in DYO xP
And I did give you the benefit of the doubt, multiple times. You still ended up not writing a very seeming fitting matriarchal Equestria, as all that was ever shown, was our patriarchal human societal norms and stereotypes. And no female character really ever broke much of any of the porn gender norms, along with having very similar personality sex wise.
It's more how weakly it's presented as Equestria in the comic. About everyone's PoV is angled to be beneficial to Spike, without him having to do much of anything back. About all are "submissive" per say. And tbh, like said: I actually think this comic was a cause to many starting to hate spike. As said, I know my respect for him dropped notably due to this.
I will agree though that it wasn't rape with AB, but it was... reckless I guess is the best term. But the problem I had with that he again, seemed sorry for that his act got him in trouble, not that it hurt AB slightly. That, and it seemed like his "making up for it" consisted of him getting a blowjob afterwards so that she could "apologize" to him for letting herself feel uncomfortable during her first time... That, and that he was quiet a douche during the sex itself. (demanding that she swallow his sperm, or else he won't pleasure her. No female ever gives any demands or the like on him, ever. Luna gets the closest, and is the most unique in that sense, but she partially falls short as she ultimately only was out after pleasuring Spike so that she could show that she made him ejaculate.) Again, Spike has been the only character to be demanding, selfish and to get special attention, graphic and content wise. (like the internal cumshots, no mare gets those) He's the only to get praised (with one technical exception of him commenting on how tight Twi is if I recall right, but could have been done better if he complimented on her strong muscles, or any characters taste or looks or anything.) as a whole. There is a very distinct "him" vs "them" in this.
Though, I can agree to a degree that I can see why you'd get annoyed at people constantly "pointing stuff out". I think though that it might be something to do that you often can seem to come off as it makes "total full sense, and anyone who can't see that is wrong/dumb" to people. As they don't "get it". But like said, that kinda falls down to that just because it makes sense to you, doesn't mean it has to everyone else. And again: My only really "requirement" is that you'd be able to see this story genderbent with the same storyline (slight alteration to certain acts to fit genders, such as fellatio to cunnilingus) and overall identical acts. It this would fail as things suddenly "not making sense", (with rare exceptions such as few, few biological ones) I would say that then there'd be a problem in the story. If you can however see this story work fully with a role reversal of genders, then it fully works as a basic story to me. But lastly: Keep in mind "plot convenience" is not a totally valid substitute for IC or story xD
(thanks for the script btw AS xP)
Imaderule34 said: Stuff
I personally don't respect porn logic for jack shit. Because as said: They don't make any sense, nor are good in any way bar from bad ones. Since all and all a character's personally IS whom they are. Altering that, and you are just left with a look alike. Personally never understood that whole concept. I mean, if you like someone, but fully disregard their personality in favor of porn... did they even like the character to start with? As all you got left is a look-alike, that in many cases aren't even close to "being" that character. Think this might be another of the "narrow minded" parts of porn, as to just make an example: I don't watch anime, but just take some really popular "moe" girl or whatever they're called. That's the generic sweet, submissive and all that shizz. (would/could also use Fluttershy for example, though there are a couple of people that see her like that.. not exactly like that, but somewhat similar) Now, most that like that character does it for those reasons. Now, lets make said character dom as fuck, a sadist, selfish and all those things. And would ex: Shove a metal bar up the "anon guy"'s urethra, fuck him in the ass with a barbed dildo, either not let him cum, or force him to do it till he's bruised and swollen, give him facials and just overall "commonly disliked things". Now, I've seen this kind of thing happen once every blue moon. And heck, even just some simple either IC or "assumed" (for ex: bg ponies) ex: Femdom can get this treatment, that suddenly, people aren't okay with this "porn logic" anymore, as it doesn't favor them all of a sudden, or doesn't match their norm demands. (and like said before, flip-floppers and hypocrites are something I just can't stand) So yes, in those cases, I've seen people that go "It's just porn", suddenly flip up a defensive with ex: "That's not Fluttershy!" and the like. Often derogatory in terms that "females can't be dominant" or that it's "not right" or what have you. But feh... trailing off a bit here. But point being: As a whole, I can accept that it would be some sort of alternate universe version, a fantasy, dream or what have you. (depending what the situation is, some cases it could actually work if factor z is applied) And like said: If people expect to "get away" with x, they damn well better be ready to accept y as well. So eh... I will likely never get why someone that says they like a character for their personality, but then prefers porn where said character could be as far from their personality as possible. But I at least expect them to be able to grasp the concept they use in both ways, along with understanding why some might not want to see a character OOC.
Anyhow, as a whole, personally disappoint as this artist, they only do bland content. Yes, sure, they do some somewhat innovative things, but they never do anything new, and they desperately cling to not breaking any norms or stereotypes. (for everything I recall seeing by them)
Hammie said:
Protip: This image isn't futashy.
You can tell by the lack of green collar.
Tbh, he seems to display the same lacking intelligence, traits and they got the same penis design. But yes, it's not entirely Futashy. But, if anything: It's a slight satire or whatnot off him.
Faunoiphilia said:
check the original submission link. rape tag there; rape tag here.
TWYS, doesn't look rape-y at all to me.
TwilightStormshi said:
noted :/ i need to think how i'm going to make characters more IC in future comics without telling totally hackneyed or meaningless stories
Made a reply to the previous post. Though, will have to give a warning: Wrote this, and that when overly sleepy. And I tend to seem even more "hostile" than normal then. Do know I don't mean to seem angry or whatever, I'm mainly just trying to understand or give advice. Which due to my skills in writing at times tends to come out as seeming demands or whatnot.
And I could possibly help with that. Somewhat doubt you'd want my help, but just putting it out there. And stories don't get meaningless if you apply character, they become better with more depth. Ofc assuming you do it correctly. Which is not that hard in theory. Like, if you had Spike give head to Trixie like an obedient little cuntslut, while being complimented on how well he did by a Trixie speaking in first person, that would likely ofc be liked by people, but to anyone caring about IC, it would just feel odd and distant, just using characters that look like the ones they supposedly are, rather than being them.
Yes, some scenes might be harder to bring out or get to. Like... if for random reason Twilight kicked Big Mac in the balls, then in the next couple pages go "Oh, and sorry for totally accidentally kicking in the balls the other day, but you're still game for being pegged tonight right? - Eeuup." that, again, will just be bluntly liked by those not caring, and into that, but will give a bit "oookay?" feeling to the rest of us. And even if now lets say your headcanon is that BM is a submissive masochist and totally got off on that, that needs to be brought out and/or shown somehow. If you'd just state it's your headcanon, then sure, some would get it, but it would just seem as coming from out of no-where. You know exposition? That could be something to look into. Sure, you might want to have character x do y, but how would that character do it, and does it make sense that they do? If not, what could make them, or how could it be fixed? If not, could it be done with OC's or other characters instead? (or the never used "it was just a dream/fantasy" tactic works excellent for that purpose.) I know it can be tempting to just use a canon character for the free publicity, but if so, then don't even try to pretend to be "serious" with it.(just overall general statement) Palcomix did that to what I recall, just a blatant "we're making random generic porn with no regard to being IC or anything!". There it works as the comic has no standard (or what they are called, but this one tries to have one, to have depth and meaning. Trailing off, but I hope I made some sense. But yeah, learning how to analyze situations from another persons perspective is a really useful tool. Especially irl for empathy.
Oh, and next time/if he does dragon-vag, try to keep in mind to design it to match the new additions to the penis. Like said, genitals are always designed to match each other :3
Oh, and I'd suggest looking into and overall contemplating how your headcanon to how "heat" works. (at least if going what I recall of your current view) Even simple "role reversal" or/and overall "imagining their position" should be able to do most of the work.
TwilightSparkle said:
TribalKing said:
Y la rareza tiene AJ en un asimiento de la sumisión! Oh, creo que Rareza podría tener la ventaja aquí potras y potros!==Tanslation==
And Rarity has AJ in a submission hold! Oh, I think Rarity might have the advantage here fillies and colts!
what in the hell have you guys been smoking?
MemberThank you! :D