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dirtyratmatt said:
Horny purple snek is horny.

This is the most average comment I've ever seen get disliked this hard.
In just a day too lmao

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  • draco_lander said:
    Ok, as we finally can, let's summarize the family. By the order of appearance we have:

    1. Romance addicted snek;
    2. Bitchy snob snek;
    3. Jovial godzilla-teddybear snek;
    4. Cheerful clone snek;
    5. Second cheerful clone snek;
    6. Flirty succubi snek;
    7. Shy and slightly paranoic snek;
    8. Spitefully mocking snek;
    9. Chubby grandma-attitude snek;
    10. Nerdy midget snek;
    11. Optimistic snek;
    12. Pessimistic snek;
    13. Perpetually bored, grumpy snek;
    14. Mom-attitude godzilla-teddybear snek.

    Now the question is which snake will be the first to jump Shen (My prediction is snake #6).


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  • Ok, as we finally can, let's summarize the family. By the order of appearance we have:

    1. Romance addicted snek;
    2. Bitchy snob snek;
    3. Jovial godzilla-teddybear snek;
    4. Cheerful clone snek;
    5. Second cheerful clone snek;
    6. Flirty succubi snek;
    7. Shy and slightly paranoic snek;
    8. Spitefully mocking snek;
    9. Chubby grandma-attitude snek;
    10. Nerdy midget snek;
    11. Optimistic snek;
    12. Pessimistic snek;
    13. Perpetually bored, grumpy snek;
    14. Mom-attitude godzilla-teddybear snek.

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  • dang i know Sneks have many Offspring.. but WHEN we get to meet the mother

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  • I'm actually wondering about the music for once.

    Normally I'd be gushing over the big tiddy snek. But this time I'm curious about the music

    Nevermind I found the music and have been dancing to it for hours now.


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  • yphon-501 said:
    Why can't people just enjoy the nekkid snek and not worry about being the first comment?

    Sorry didn't mean to be a "first comment guy"

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  • crytum said:
    my friend. Zibekable doesnt like vore. So when getting this ych with my snek and his critter i asked the artist to focus more on the other things and not have him eaten.

    eh makes sense, just curious is all personally i dont understand the whole eating a potential play toy just to never be able to enjoy that specific feeling of that particular toy ever again unless you add plot armor and other crap. but hey, to each their own. if you want to literally eat someone you just mated with who am i to disagree.

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  • shiruz said:

    Why can't people just enjoy the nekkid snek and not worry about being the first comment?

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  • synisterwrath said:
    is it me... or does everyone on e621 prefer men on men and anal? i mean sure fun but there's no vore here with this male, yet the female version shes eaten? im confused... it seems to me like myself others on here have experienced crazy girls and decided nope, and took the easier of the two paths...... hmmmmmm food for thought maybe? i dont know! :P

    my friend. Zibekable doesnt like vore. So when getting this ych with my snek and his critter i asked the artist to focus more on the other things and not have him eaten.

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  • Reminds me of That one snek video~

    Lil baby man 🫵🫵🫵🫵
    Lil baby🫵🫵🫵🫵

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  • I love both of them already! Especially the color palette on Emery. All of the sneks are so cute

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  • ginkei said:
    Honestly I would try not to get associated with some undesirable people so I'll be careful of the symbols I'm using.

    That’s exactly why I don’t want my silly yellow snek to become a maga symbol.

    ginkei said:
    Also things change meaning with time, it's evolution of language.

    And we can slow or prevent this process by calling people out when they misuse our symbols

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  • chaock said:
    this a dragon

    I mean, Rayquaza is based from an deity Quetzalcoatl - which was depicted as an "Feathered Serpent" (flying snek basically), which technically makes Rayquaza a snek, despite the typing.

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  • mosdrac2 said:
    ...Our human brains are wired to see boobs and like them. It's subconsciously considered a sign of maturity and fertility. So yeah, snek men also apparently like to see boobs.

    Ah, but with other mammals when nursing there is near no sexual activity, suggesting that boobs are a massive turnoff, what a freak of a past human that found boobs hot

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  • xaldir said:
    Depends on the Size of the Eggs she has to lay.

    The pressing Question would be why a Snake has Boobs. Does she Nurse her Young? She like some kind of Platypus? Or does she get life Offspring? Which again would explain the Hips, considering the Size of the Head of the little... Spawnlings? Let's call the Baby Snakes.

    Flora wonders this as well.
    post #3909972

    If we want to be technical though, humans are the only mammals that have enlarged breasts all the time. Other mammals only have them when they're nursing after giving birth. What a lot of us could easily guess is that breasts in humans serve a reproductive purpose indirectly. Our human brains are wired to see boobs and like them. It's subconsciously considered a sign of maturity and fertility. So yeah, snek men also apparently like to see boobs.


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  • Imagine sneks were sentient species like us and could actually consent to shmex. What a world it would be.

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  • Snakes are literally built for squeezing and swallowing, plus you ain’t gonna get far down a giraffe. Snek for sure

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