yes... and cake eater also.
Dagre said:
Not sure why, but I find pregnant Luna to be very beautiful.
Maybe she will be a good mother? And good persons arr very beautiful.
ToshiroUzumaki said:
First there was Crissy and Fluffle, now there's Derpy and Sombra.
That would not work.
Fluffle is an own char, and Chrysalis is an original char.
Derpy and Sombra are both orignal chars, do you know what i maen?
Frostweave said:
I think its sad because she's getting raped and she had her Teddy dog taken away, if you look closely, shes reaching for it
and that its why it makes me sad
i don't know, but this Picture makes me sad.
VespiDragon8 said:
Although Chrysalis for some see it or she looks like a monster, I'll see her always as a strangely beautiful♥ beauty.
You are not alone. :3
AJ looks like a ugly My Little Pony Baby doll.
viXXen365 said:
Stephen Moffat is head writer of Doctor who and a writer on Sherlock, both of which have characters repeatedly 'die' from silly things that don't always make sense
Aha, like the red Enterprise crew members?
WTF??!! I mastert the stairs, the books and then....ok, no spoilers.
Thank you beautil music, you told me: "Nerver give up!"
Lieutenant_Cupcakes said:
Better question, why does chrysalis need a mask of chrysalis O_o
Its the best camouflage.
MemberDash....you can fly. If this situation is uncomfortable for you, use it now.